Productivity and Quality Management Model Question Paper 1


Time – 2 hours

Marks – 60

Section I

1)      Question I is compulsory

2)      Attempt any 1 question from Q. nos. 2 and 3.

3)      Each question carries 15 marks.


Q. 1) Write short notes on any 3 – 15 marks

a) Group incentive plan

b) Job enlargement

c) Unstructured interview

d) Multiple activity chart

e) Standard time


Q. 2) a) Define ‘Work measurement’ and write down purpose of work measurement. – 7 marks

b) Write down the 6 steps of ‘method study’ and explain any 2 in detail. – 8 marks

Q. 3) a) Define ‘job evaluation’. Explain any 1 method of job evaluation in detail. – 7 marks.

b) Describe any 2 ‘individual incentive plans’ in detail. – 8 marks.


Section II

1)      Question 4 is compulsory.

2)      Attempt any 1 question from Q. nos. 5 and 6.

3)      Each question carries 15 marks.

Q.4. Define quality management. Explain the need and objectives and role of quality improvements in manufacturing industry. Explain the functioning of quality circles. – 15 marks.

Q.5. Discuss any 3 in brief: – 15 marks

a) Principles of TQM

b) Suggestion schemes

c) Continuous Improvement

d) Cost of quality

e) Juran’s Quality Trilogy

f) Total Employee Involvement (TEI)


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  1. Please post a question paper with practical questions related to this subject on total earnings with bonus and penalty and evaluation of work content, standard time and allowed time.