Productivity improvement through structural changes


The ‘office system’ at Goodwill Company Ltd. is very conservative, slow and bureaucratic. Employees in the office are taking undue advantage of the inadequate infrastructure, delayed decision-making process and unhealthy environment in the office. They do not show any interest in the routine activities, except working in emergencies. The office-in-charge, Mr. Palekar finds himself unable to guide or control his subordinates.

It has been observed that a lot of office-space is wasted. Transparency in office-transactions is also absent. The office methods including filing, documentation, communication etc. are very old and time-consuming.

Mr. Palekar feels that his office requires an overall restructuring. The office structure, system and method, employees, facilities etc should undergo a total change. This restructuring would require support from the top bosses, financial provisioning, active participation of the subordinates’ etc. It is a process of attitudinal change with radical change in ‘work ethos’. This change will have to be effected gradually, without affecting the present momentum of work.

‘Process re-engineering’ has to be carried out for all the operations. This would include fresh job study and method study. This would also require linking up ‘office system’ with the overall objectives and style of functioning of the organization. Making the system dynamic and flexible requires the positive outlook of the employees.

Innovative methods of carrying out office responsibilities have to be found out. These methods should be time-effective and cost-effective. Small and big suggestions from the employees should be accepted and duly implemented. The employees’ creativity in modifying the ‘office system’ should be properly encouraged and rewarded.

1) Discuss the disadvantages of the conservative office system.
2) What changes do you expect to gain through ‘office restructuring’?
3) What methodology should be used to bring in this total change, without any side effects?

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