Productivity & Quality Management Syllabus and Reference Books



Unit I : Concept of productivity and various ways/modes of calculating it.

Ways to improve productivity. Partial productivity and Total productivity. Simple direct problems relating to productivity, partial productivity and total productivity.

Product and Service Quality dimensions. Characteristics of Quality. Quality Assurance. Quality Circles. Elements of Total Quality System. Quality Circles.

Philosophies regarding Quality, namely, Deming and his contribution to quality, Deming’s 14-points for management, Philip B. Crosby’s philosophy relating to quality. Juran’s philosophy regarding quality. Cost of Quality.


Unit II : Suggestion Schemes. Various types of wage incentive plans. Total Productivity Maintenance.

Job evaluation and Job rotation. Learning curves-description, limitation and use to management. Simple problems on learning curves.

Lateral thinking. Split brain theory.

Work study (Method Study, Time and Motion Study). Work Measurement. Problems on these topics.


Unit III : Concepts of customer service in relation to right quality, right quantity, etc.

Total Quality Management – definition, basic concepts, eight building blocks, seven stages and pillars of TQM Seven deadly disasters. TQM in Services

Introduction to “lean” thinking. Juran’s triology – Muri, Mara, Muda. Kepner Trego Method of problem solving. Brain storming. Delphi and nominal group techniques.

Ergonomics. Single Digit Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED). Benchmarking.


Unit IV : Holistic Quality Management. Quality performance and various excellence awards

Six sigma features, enablers, goals, DMAIC/DMADV

Taguchi’s quality engineering. Poka Yoke. National Productivity Council. JIDOKA, KANBAN, ISHIKAWA (Fish Bone) diagram

ISO standards regarding quality such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, QS 9000 and other emerging standards. Malcolm Bridge National Quality Award. Deming Application Prize and TPM Awards


List of Books for Reference


  1. Productivity Techniques, Srinivas Gondhalekar and Uday Salunkhe, Himalaya Publishing House
  2. Productivity Techniques, Gerard Leone and Richard D. Rahn, Jaico Book House
  3. TQM: Text with Cases, John S. Oakland, Butterworth-Heinemann
  4. Total Productivity Management (TPmgt): A systematic and quantitative approach to compete in quality, price and time, David J. Sumanth, St. Lucie Press
  5. The Five Pillars of TQM: How to make Total Quality Management work for you, Bill Creech, Dutton/ Plume
  6. Bruce Williams, Stephen R. Covey “Six Sigma for Dummies, Carig Gygi, Neil Decarlo, –
  7. Fundamentals of Quality Control & Improvement, Anitava Mitra, Pearson Education, Asia
  8. Productivity Management: Text and Cases, Chen Gordon K.C. and McGrrah R, Dryden Press
  9. Productivity Management: Concepts and Techniques, Sawhney S.C., Tata McGraw Hill
  10. Productivity Management: A Systems Approach, Vrat Prem and G.D. Sardana, Narosa Publishing House
  11. Juran’s Quality Control Handbook, J.M. Juran, McGraw-Hill
  12. Productivity and Quality through people, Y.K. Shetty and V.M. Buchler, Toppan Co.
  13. Total Quality and Human Resources, Dale Barrie G., Cooper C., Blackwell
  14. Total Quality Management, S.M.S. Raju, Tata-McGraw-Hill
  15. Work Study, Pennathur Krish, Nabhi Publication
  16. Just-in-time: For today and tomorrow, Taiichi Ohno,
  17. Kaizen for quick changeover. Going beyond SMED, Sekine Kenichi, Arai K., Productivity and Quality Publications
  18. Quality Planning and Analysis, J.M. Juran, Tata McGraw-Hill
  19. Indian Government, “Quality Team Concept in Total Quality Control, -, JMJ Books
  20. International Labour Office, “Productivity and Quality Management”, -, International Labour Organization
  21. “Quest for quality in services”, A.C. Rosander, Quality Resources

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