Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
(Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.)
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha
(He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.)
Above sloka explains that how powerful is the guru. Guru is one who build a generation and on whom future progress of nation depends.
Generally, students have different criteria when choosing their favorites; some of them prefer those who don’t give hard projects and assignments, or don’t ask difficult questions. Some students like it when professors don’t bother them at all and just read their lectures. But I am not one of them. As for me, the most important criterion for my favorite professor is devotion to the subject she teaches.
I consider myself to be a happy person, as I have such a professor in college. Her name is PROF. ANNIE ANTHONY, she taught Managerial Economics and it was really interesting to attend her classes and listen to her lectures. She is professor and also a B.M.S co-ordinator of LAXMAN DEVRAM SONAWANE COLLEGE.
She had completed her graduation in Bachelor of commerce and she did Masters of Arts in Economics from RKT College. After that she did B.Ed and M.Phil.
She is in teaching profession from the past 15 years of which she was 5 years in BNN College and now she is in Laxman Devram Sonawane College from the last 10 years.
Her method of teaching is systematic and convincing that makes sense even for dull and idle students. Her dealings are excellent. Her knowledge in Economics is vast. I enjoy her teaching and she makes her classes very interesting by citing examples from day to day happenings and from books outside our course.
She has a parental care and affection for all of us and sees that we are proper in our behavior and are progressing in our studies.
As regards her extracurricular activities, she was Head for our Industrial Visit for Banglore in First year and Chandigarh & Manali in Second year. She has high commitment level that those Industrial visit days were most productive and enjoyable days of my life and I am sure that for this Third year Industrial Visit in Goa is going to be more nice, pleasant and memorable day of life.
She is sincere in teaching and is hard working. She makes a simple living but her thinking is great. She cites examples as to how hard work makes the life of an individual great. I am full of praise for her worthiness. Her teaching skills has made her a lovable teacher for me in the college.
Submitted by-
Prashant singh
(Laxman Devram Sonawane College)
awesome yaar ……
she deserves this respect……
she deserves this respect.
nice 1 dude ,,,,mam deserve it
annie mam is real nice person ,,,,,,,,, n good essay prashant singh
nice essy …i like u r essay ….
nice one dude…. the respect for the teacher is awesome…. seems u have done great research and u have done beautiful job…keep it up dude….
nice job dude,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
nyce eassy………….
Good job…
Without annie mam l.d.sonawane is nothing.
Nice dude
nice essy dude ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, annie mam is best mam yaar …. unke bina sonawane college khuch nhi hai….. SHE IS ONE WOMEN ARMY
very nice…
Nyc one dude….
u did a grean work….i think ur whole month gone away writing this…
Best one….
nice eassy ……..i like it