Prof. Chaitali Chandrana


Throughout my journey of education till now I have been taught by many professors and teachers but very rare of them have attracted me. A professor in my view first of all should not be serious. Infact he/she should be fun loving, friendly and should have a simple yet a different way of teaching which is understandable by all and have the ability to make students dedicated to the subject. And yes, I found these qualities in many professors but still Prof. Chaitali Chandrana is someone different from others.

Unlike other students, who have their favourite teachers teaching them for quite a long period, my case is a little different from them. Chaitali Ma’am joined Sant Gadge Maharaj College of Commerce and Economics in June 2012 as the visiting faculty for BMS section as our Strategic  Management Professor for Semester 3. That is just 5 months back I suppose.  She teaches us Production and Quality management subject currently. It has not been much time she has been teaching us as a visiting faculty. She also teaches BMM and MMS students in other colleges. She teaches subjects like Marketing, Logistics, Strategic Management, CSR, and Brand building Subjects.

Her teaching style is somewhat different from others. She has a different yet a simple way of teaching her subject, which is convincing to everyone in class. She has immense knowledge of the subject. She makes the lecture interesting and understandable to everyone by citing examples of day-to-day happenings around the world. She relates the subject with the realities in the world. She is always available to answer the queries of her students. She makes sure every student in the class participates in the class activities, especially in case studies. She makes us think over the case and find solutions to it.

This enhances our ability to think over the problem and provide professional solutions to it. She allows the students to do their project work in their own way without putting any restrictions. This enhances the execution ability of the student and also its presentation ability. She helped me to improve my power point and presenting skills. Unlike other professors she does not refrain anyone from entering the class incase anyone is late. But she is strictly against proxy.



Prof. Chaitali is social and interactive as well. She is not only a professor but also a wedding planner. She is business-minded. She encourages us to participate in college festivals and events. She is friendly, admirable and always smiling. She is full of information and knowledge. The more she teaches us the more we get involved in the topic. She did not make it mandatory for all students to wear formals on presentations. But rather gave freedom to choose their attire for the presentation, but group must have something in common among its members. This was something I did not come across in these two years. It was strange to all of us as we were restricted to formals only.

Prof. Chaitali has taught us something different, that is to add a dummy to the project which appears to be more attractive than other projects. This was a challenge but yet much interesting to me. On the day of presentation we all came to know how creative and innovative we are. This is what separates her from others. Though I have known her for much less time but I can say that she is intelligent and admirable too and more than that she is creative.


  Prof. Chaitali has an excellent qualification and work experience. She has graduated from Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Computer Applications in 2008 .She joined People Interactive Pvt.Ltd. in the same year. She joined Au Courant Group in 2010 and left the latter. She is also the Director of Fiesta wedding planners currently.  In 2011 she joined The New Indian Express. Then left the latter and joined Trade Wings Institute Of Management. When she recognized her love for teaching she joined Sophia College for teaching management subjects to BMM students in the same year. Thereafter, leaving Sophia College she started working as visiting faculty in St. Xavier’s, Hinduja, Burhani alongwith our college in 2012 for Marketing, Logistics, Strategic Management, CSR, and Brand building Subjects.

She had helped us to decide a suitable topic for the 2oo marks project and sincerely speaking she was the first one to discuss with us topics of the projects and many of them have decided their topics for it under her guidance and I am one of them. On the day of topic discussion she took the entire lecture for it and that day I came to know the immense knowledge she has.


She has inspired me throughout and will continue to do so. She is generous in giving marks also and hopes she will continue to do so!!!!! 😉

Reading novels is something we have in common. The way she teaches us has inspired me to take up teaching. This is strange how a person can influence you. Out of many professors and teachers her influence on me will continue to remain. From her I have learnt how to be creative in project works and to think out of the box and will continue to learn so. She is also eager to take us to industrial visit for the concerned subject so that we may have practical knowledge about the topic.

Knowing Prof. Chaitali for such short time and getting influenced by her is a big thing. This is all I know about her till now and all these things admires me and allows me to say that she is an exceptional teacher and a great helper to us as students. I will always look up to her for her advice.

The proverb, “A teacher affects eternity; he/she can never tell where his/her influence stops.”– By Henry Brooks Adam. I think this is really true with me.


Submitted By –

Anchal Sonkar

Sant Gadge Maharaj College


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Anchal Sonkar

Hi! I am Anchal Sonkar, doing BMS from Sant Gadge Maharaj College. I like to spend time with my friends and family (especially with my sisters). I believe that "You should be yourself. Being like others will make you lose your identity".


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