Prof. Chaitali Dutta


The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.

Every person, Student and child has atleast one teacher who teaches, inspires and shows the right way to every student. Student or any person always inspires or learn things from their Teachers. Each person or student has one respectful and unique place for their parents and favorite teacher in his life.

Prof. Chaitali Dutta is a beautiful, wonderful and adorable BMS faculty which I got in my college life. She is a professor at Tilak College of Science & Commerce for the Department of Management studies. She is Head of BMS Department and Coordinator of the college. Prof. Chaitali Dutta has completed her Graduation from Management studies and later completed B.Ed., D.Ed. Degree. She has been teaching future managers since 12 years. There is some kind of magic in her teaching style which makes her liked by the entire student community. Personally, I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.

Prof. Chaitali Dutta has been teaching subjects like Principles of Management, Managerial Economics, Business Environment, and Business Aspect in Banking & Insurance, Co-operative and Rural Marketing, Business Ethics for BMS students.

A teacher is a Friend, a Philosopher, a Guiding light, and an Inspiration. She has cool, advisable attitude towards the students. She knows college can run successfully only when students are happy. She is always ready to work for the students for their betterment. She has organized various events in college so that student can come up and showcase their unique talents. She is always there for every student for any kind of help. She teaches with real life examples.


Prof. Chaitali Dutta teaches students by simplifying the Content or matter. So, if the student gives attention for 15 min in the lecture, he can understand the concept and need not mug up things. She used modern ways and technology to teach, such as Presentations, Videos and Question answer rounds. She made studies more interesting by giving so much of industrial examples. Therefore she is more favorite of students. She is very talented and practical, she finds out hidden talent within the students.

Prof. Chaitali Dutta is very creative, inspiring, and innovative. She always works for events, Festivals and Industrial Visits (I.V), One Day I.V. I will say she has changed the overall college management by giving above memorable days to Students. Once she thought something, she will just do it and the best thing is she gives all credit only to her Faculty members and students. Mrs. Chaitali mam has higher commitment level. Once she has committed something, she will always try hard to complete it. She also has her own NGO. There she works for the drug addicted person and students. She is very soft cornered person. She always does the needful for each and every student. She looks gorgeous in sari.

She solves every problem with sweet smile on face. Always try new ideas to solve the problem or criticality. She is my favorite from the 1st lecture, when I was in 1st year. I remember her in Pink dress with the fresh smile in her face and so much of confidence in her eyes.


A teacher is like a candle who burns brightly to enlighten others. She teach to smile in every situation. She teach always to be polite. Money doesn’t matter in world only the thing matter is yourself. Think creative and do such things which give us pleasure. She says “first manage yourself then you will manage everything”.

“Teacher affect eternity, no one can tell where their influence stops”


Submitted By –

Ashwini Nivrutti Patil

(Tilak College)

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Ashwini Patil

Hi! I am Ashwini Patil, doing BMS from TILAK College. I am glad to get this opportunity to author an essay on my favorite BMS professor and share my learning experiences at Finally Teacher are the one who drive us to our destination. :)


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