Prof. David Mascarenhas


“Matha Pitha Guru Devobhav” that means parents and teachers stand tall as equal to God, we learn this from our childhood but very few of us really understand the role that teachers play in our life. I believe teachers are gift of almighty that help us face this world right from our childhood until our teenage. Throughout my life many teachers have taught me, scolded me, bet me, encouraged me but if you ask me who is the best then I got an easy answer to say. Yes, I am pursuing my third year BMS degree from BIRLA College and I am proud that I am blessed with my dearest professor who I believe came right from the heavens with a golden smile on his face, with the brilliance like Chanakya and his name is Sir DAVID  MASCARENHAS. He is cool as a cucumber, sweet as sugar and we all students consider him as an elder brother and a mentor.

I was really in a state of panic when I joined for BMS degree course in BIRLA College and there were strange faces all around. Then Sir. DAVID came in for an introductory session and my fear just vanished into thin air. I felt like I was a part of a big family that is tied together with the bond of love and compassion. He started with quotes of Mahatma and won our hearts with his humbleness and oratory talents. He made us feel homely and moreover he wanted us to open up our minds and start thinking and express our thoughts and feelings without any fear. He made us come out of our shells and explore this world and start understanding the world around us in a better way, he insisted us to practice lovingness, patience and courteousness. He laid in us the foundation of human skills, and then he taught us how we should manage our environment. He made us understand the importance of nature. We pupils initiated many green initiatives under his guidance like planting trees and organizing workshops. Sir DAVID supported and led us through our hardships and difficulties.

We never had a feeling that we were miles away from home and were in an alien atmosphere. We students usually stayed back after college hours and played games along with our dear Sir. He is a master in all sports and moreover he is a state volleyball champion. He usually says, “Whenever and wherever you go make your presence felt”. He wanted all his students to be good individuals and responsible humans. He taught us the importance of setting goals in our life and how to accomplish our short term and long term goals and if failure strikes then how to come out of it. He taught us by giving examples of brave men who conquered the world. There were many instances when we students played pranks and fun on him but at the end of the day we respected and honored him for what he is.

We students always wished that he taught us all the subjects in our curriculum. Marketing was a tough thing to learn during second year but he made us learn in an exciting and practical way, the results were astonishing and everyone got an A grade. Learning was fun and joy for all students. Sir DAVID taught us how to tactfully handle exams and overcome exam stress. He gave us easy tips to stay fit during exam days by adopting a good diet and generating positive feelings in our mind. Our Sir is a yoga guru. He teaches how to meditate and remove tensions and apprehensions from our mind. He believes that to remain blissful one must control anger and learn to be calm and serene. He taught us what is the motive of our life and why do we exist. He always says that grabbing and accumulating wealth is not the motive of life but learning to share and serve others must be of paramount importance. He taught us to respect women and consider girls as our fellow sisters and never betray anyone.

Our college had won many state and national level prizes under his guidance. Prominent among them was the debate competition organized by IIT Bombay. Our Sir made it a point that the students were not only academically brilliant but fit and perfect in all fields. There was a sort of bond of love and compassion between the students and Sir. David. Third year is a crucial year for all BMS students as university exams are held to check the student’s stamina and their willpower to its limits. We students had a huge phobia that exams will be a test of fire but our dear Sir removed all our anxieties and prepared us so well for the exams that we are able to crack even the toughest exams in our life. He always taught us to see things in a positive attitude and try to learn from mistakes and achieve goals. He says that exams are test but remember that only the test of fire makes strong steel. Hardwork and patience always pays off well in future. The lesson taught by my dear Sir is and will always be the quoin of my life. Our sir not only taught us how a perfect human being should be but he taught this by his life, he led a simple lifestyle with purity and chastity in heart.

My transition from a shy, fumbling, immature beginner to a professional and mature person was drastic; a great role was played by our dear Sir. He laid the foundation of an expert entrepreneur, professional in all students. He brought out the talents of each student and made them perfect. He counseled students well and showed them various career options. Now the biggest sorrow of us is that after few more days we would have to bid adieu and move away from our magnificent college which made me what I am today and moreover we will miss our dear Sir. DAVID. The path shown by my dear Sir will always put me on the right track and will make my life exuberant. His guidance will prove abundantly helpful and I will make him my role model in my life.



Submitted By –

Wilbert Emmanual

(Birla College)

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Hi! I am Wilbert Emmanual. I completed HSC from V.K. Krishna Menon College, Bhandup. I am currently pursuing Bachelors of Management Studies from Birla College, Kalyan. I am a Roman Catholic, fluent in many languages and for me Work is Worship.


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