Prof. Kamal Rohra


No matter how long live out of college, I will always think back to it in the fall. It’s a special time, and I wont realize how special until it goes away. As someone who went to school when in-state tuition was in the thousands of rupees per semester, I guess it’s been long enough for me to testify to that.

One of the things I think about is the debt of gratitude I owe to some of the Professors I have. Picking a favorite isn’t easy. One contender would be Prof. Pooja who is our guardian teacher, who laid out the standards she expected us to meet in our studies: “Patriotism doesn’t impress me. Anti-patriotism impresses me even less.”

But if I have to single out one, it’d be Prof. Kamal Rohra, who taught Accountancy and is currently teaching Portfolio Management. The phrase “a gentleman and a scholar” is made for him. You cannot miss his kindness and decency as well as his knowledge of and love for his field. He is also heavily involved in campus activities; he is the Co-ordinator of the BMS and B&I DEPARTMENT though I didn’t know it during the first year of my college since I was a new student.


He is a wonderful teacher. He is highly qualified professor. His qualifications are as follows:

He has been teaching in our college since more than 8 years,

He is the BMS and B&I Co-ordinator of our college,

He is a Chartered Accountant as well.

I like the way he teaches, he uses certain words and abbreviations that help the students to remember the concepts very well.

Example: He uses certain terms like DSP for dividend, shares and preference capital.

If the company gives fewer returns on investment he says that it is a ‘Mithun’ company and if the company is good he says it’s a ‘Shahrukh’ khan company and he of course uses these terms to make the concepts clear.

We enjoy the lectures to the core but at the same time grasp immense knowledge from him. He is a man of discipline, values and ocean of knowledge. He is also my Project guide for the university project and he is helping me all the way to make the best project I can. He keeps guiding all the students to become a very good person.

Most of the students in our class are scared of him and I do not understand why? I find him to be sweet and a very good professor. I respect him a lot. I have a very good rapport with him because I being a core committee member of my class keep in touch with him all the time. He is a perfectionist I must say.

A man of brilliance and discipline difficult to find another person like him. I will remember him throughout my life.

I wish to stay connected to him during the entire life time.

Sir, you are the best teacher I have ever met. Thank you for guiding me all the time!



Submitted By –

Arsheen Qazi

(Royal College)

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Arsheen Qazi

Hi! I am Arsheen Qazi, doing BMS from Royal College. I like playing carrom, table tennis and basketball. My interests are to read Arabic and Urdu Books and Harry Potter is my favorite.


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