Prof. Krupa Rai


“A teacher who loves learning earns the right and the ability to help others learn.”

Teachers hold the highest regard for students after their parents. All cultures and religions preach that students are supposed to respect their teachers and should try to learn from them not only what’s there in the academic curriculum but also the values of life. Teachers have an important role in building the personality of students and the relationship they develop with them determines the student’s academic and personal growth. The level of respect that exists between the two also has a vital role to play in developing a positive teacher student relationship.

Throughout my life, I came across many teachers, professors who enlightened me with their thoughts and knowledge. Being in the last year of BMS it feels a great pleasure to interact with the professors and gaining their valuable inputs. And so one such professor is BMS CO-ORDINATOR, PROF. KRUPA RAI.

With a Bachelor in Science, Fashion Design and Masters in Marketing Management, it’s been hardly 5 years since Prof. Krupa joined the profession of teaching. Yet she has been pioneer in moulding the dreams of many BMS students and guiding them through tough times of various semesters.

Having influenced by her mother who was also a teacher by profession, the idea of joining this profession came to her as she believed it to be one of the best Nobel profession and an area which makes an existence worth through students.

Though having a Marketing Background she teaches a variety of subjects like the extensive Business Environment to the current topics like of Retail Management to the theories of Logistics and even dry subjects like Business Law. However what makes her teaching style different is her unique way of explaining technical terms in terms of skit. With the skit activity taking place, it not only entertains all of us as students, but also at the same time we get to learn something new in her lectures. Something which makes it easy for us to reproduce the same during our examinations and not just mugging up answers.

We all know that BMS is full of difficulties, be it with the timings of lectures or topping the defaulter’s list. But in every situation, Prof Krupa made a point to listen to the views of the students and not only just listen but also take the necessary initiatives to resolve the problems or disputes as soon as possible. Her problem solving techniques are too quick as she hates matters on pending notes.

Usually when any college co-ordinator teaches a particular subject in any semester there is always a high level of fear towards that professor as compared to the other visiting faculties. However with Prof. Krupa, things are little different. With a friendly attitude she makes each lecture interesting due to which the students are more free and open with ideas in her lecture.

Prof. Krupa thinks that BMS is a foundation stone for both higher education as well as corporate world. Therefore, students need to be trained as budding managers with knowledge of management concepts and so when it comes to presentation she doesn’t entertain the usual PPT style format. I still remember in SEM 4 during the CRM lecture, her topic was to shoot a video documentary on any co-operative organization. In the following semester the same technique was repeated for LOGISTICS & SCM. The main objective behind such projects was mainly her vision to let students explore and experience the real face of India and not just doing Wikipedia.

Few months back, BMS students came up with an idea of having an in-house newsletter for students. The main idea behind this launch of newsletter was to make aware of the current Post BMS Scenario as well as the current happenings in BMS. As students we had ideas but we weren’t clear how to approach it. We knew our vision but didn’t know the mission. Objective was right in front of us, but no road to guide us. At that time it was, Prof Krupa to come up with the base to support the newsletter. With her suggestions, the newsletter started off and within a month it was made and launched. Her unique style of executing things on quick notes makes her one of the best professor to interact in my life.

BMS students have always maintained the legacy of intelligence with manners and students are enthusiastic to learn and grow in three dimensions and the performance is improving with positive slop. It would be absolutely right to say that one of the professors behind this success is Prof. Krupa.

Having an ultimate mission in life of serving with humility, Prof. Krupa is my Favourite BMS Professor for guiding and teaching me the importance of how to lead in life and corporate world without a title.

Her basic principle of life always inspires me whenever I’m at the greatest height of life i.e.

“You can fly to the greatest heights only when your feet are grounded”.

Submitted by –

Vivek Pange

(Bhavans College, Andheri)

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Vivek Pange

Hi! I am Vivek Pange, doing BMS from Bhavans College, Andheri. I am what I am. I feel all religions are equal infront of God. You are the maker of your own life. So make it rocking and artistic.