Prof. Naveen Rohatgi


An epitome of success, a temple of knowledge, a role model-these are words far beyond that can be used to describe my favourite professor. There may be faculties ranging from full time to visiting –but but no one can ever beat the conscientious and dedicated professorSir Naveen Rohatgi. He is not only a job-oriented professor but most importantly he is student-oriented who focuses in bringing about the best talent and exposes the hidden potential in students.

His unique qualities does not arrive overnight but have stemmed from his teaching experience of 15 years. He is a visiting faculty of St. Andrews College who ensures that the students are well versed in the subject of Financial Management. Besides lecturing in St. Andrews College, Sir Naveen is also a visiting faculty in various institutes.

To name a few he teaches in Mumbai Educational Trust(MET), Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) and Indian Educational Society(IES). He also is a visiting faculty in Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS),  Institute of Technology Management(ITM) and Amity Global Business School.

Sir Naveen is Chartered Accountant. He has also completed his 3 years course of Company Secretary and done an MBA from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS). Sir has a vast knowledge about different arenas where he teaches various subjects ranging from International Accounting Standard to Corporate Law. He also teaches Direct and indirect taxes, Financial Services, Financial Accounting and Financial Management. Sir Naveen also teaches the subjects of Merger and acquisition, Analysis of Financial institutions and markets as well as Cost and Management accounting. Having said this, we can get a clear picture of the variety of subjects my favorite Sir teaches.

Sir Naveen is with me in my ups and downs, weal and woes. He gives me a grasp of the subject with a high hand (strongly). He repeatedly asks the question “Has the topic gone in your blood?” He tells us that there shouldn’t even be 0.1% doubt in your mind. This just shows the kind of commitment he has towards bringing out perfection from his students. Sir never addresses us as his students. He always calls us his “Bachas”(children). 

Sir Naveen is currently partner with Rohatgi Bind and Company, Chartered accountant and as partner involved in preparing project reports and handled Audits, Taxation and Secretarial works for Private Ltd. Public Companies and Banks.


Sir Naveen ensures discipline and helps us to mind our P’s and Q’s. He isn’t a run-of-the-mill boring teacher but is confident in himself despite his setbacks. Whenever a query or a doubt arises, he is ever willing to keep explaining; knowing that eventually it will make some sense. The best quality I adore is that he doesn’t expect my classmates to leave thoughts of the outside world at the door of the classrooms. I would like to conclude with the quote by famous Khalil Gibran “A teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads to the threshold of your mind”.

Submitted By –                                         

Christabelle Rodricks

(St. Andrews College

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Hi! I am Christabelle Rodricks, doing BMS from St. Andrews College. I like watching "The Buddy Project" and my fav music is "What's in a name!"


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