Prof. Pooja Fernandes


The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires to do the best.”

When I cleared my H.S.C  there were innumerable courses available in front of me I was actually confused which course should I opt for and on top of that there was great influence on me from my family and my peer group. The only option left with me was going through career counseling, the moment I went through career counseling I was pretty sure that BMS is my piece of cake. I found BMS the most appropriate course for me because I always wanted to make my career in “Advertising”.

Then came the time when I had to make another critical decision regarding the selection of college. But since I had nil experience in travelling I opted for the best college of Mira road i.e. Royal College (NAAC Accredited “A” grade”.)  During the course of vacation I always used to imagine how would be my new College, New professors, new peer group would I enjoy doing BMS and blah blah blah…… Then came “The Day” the first day of my BMS experience … The first day when I interacted with my new batch mates… The first experience with professors… This was the day when I came across the professor whom I respect and admire the most “Prof. Pooja Fernandes”

The very First day when we had interaction with Pooja Ma’am we found her very friendly in approach. Then I came to know that she herself was new to the college then Pooja Ma’am gave Introduction about  herself that she had done BMS with major SSF, DHRM & MMS/MBA with major HR.  Also she had Corporate experience as she had worked with ICICI and HDFC bank as a Recruiter and worked with Pinstorm as General HR Manager. Her educational qualification and work experience was really impressive.

I used to and I still admire her style of teaching .She has a unique style (way) of teaching she always accompany the topics that she teaches with corporate examples so that we understand and grab the topics easily and in better manner. Ok this was about the teaching apart from teaching, the topics that she used to give us for projects and presentation were unique and quite interesting, she would always encourage us to get primary data so that we get the practical exposure on the same. Her topics for projects were quite new, refreshing and such that one would actually love to do research on.

In my College (Royal College) we have BMS event organized every year by all the classes i.e. FYBMS, SYBMS, TYBMS this is an intracollegiate event and each class is accompanied by their guardian teacher. As I was core member in organizing event I got a chance to work with Pooja Ma’am. She encourages each and every member to give their best and she equally participates in organizing event be it intracollegiate event or intercollegiate event I was really amazed when I saw the heartiest efforts taken by Professor. She acted as a motivator for us  to put forth our best.

Apart from giving Bookish knowledge she also kept us updated with the current corporate scenario. As I mentioned earlier,

She has also worked as a HR Manager and Taught us  to Prepare an effective Resume and GD’s and PI’s.

She is very friendly in approach and never reluctant to discuss any topic asked for. I’m so very lucky to have professor like her I would rather say “she is professor cum Motivator”. I respect her lot and I consider POOJA MA’AM as my Mentor and Inspiration.

Thank you Pooja Ma’am for imparting me with valuable knowledge…!!!!

Submitted By –

Nida Shaikh

(Royal College)

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Hello Eveyone!!! Myself Shaikh Nida , Well im in Royal College pursuing for TYBMS. I would describe my self as a Self confident girl who loves to take up challenges. One of my speciality is that i can work effectively with diverse group of people. I enjoy Dancing, Photograhy and Reading Novels... "Don’t judge me by the mistakes I’ve made, but by what I’ve learned from them. "


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