Prof. Prasuna K


The role of a teacher never ceases. To teach is a teacher’s work. But lately, Google has become our teacher. Students behave as though they know everything, bunk lectures thinking that they would learn by themselves or copy everything from Wikipedia and other online resources. But what is this type of learning that merely provokes young minds to copy and makes them a zero for life, a culprit, a plagiarist!

Does Google stop us from watching pornographic pictures and videos, and from wasting your time doing all unnecessary, unproductive stuffs? Absolutely not! For, if it did, it would be running out of business. However, teachers are not against the technological advancement, they themselves want such advancement. The only thing is that technology should not spoil the students’ life. Teachers see to it that the students’ life should go in the right direction, and shouldn’t be drifted somewhere else. And knowledge that is left in the tomes is ultimately uttered by a teacher, isn’t it?

Sadly, Google cannot speak nor can it think, or feel. Life would have been much easier had we found all our solutions at the click of the mouse – which is never likely to happen. Even Google is run by its masters who, at certain time, had been taught by the teachers. How can we think of our life without our teachers, our Gurus! Therefore, no matter how technological advancement, sophistication, and automation are changing our overall thinking processes; we can’t think of prospering, developing, and inculcating refinement and finer values into our lives without the help of our teachers.  A teacher dances, sings, paints, draws, molds shapes out of clay (young minds)… and these is done compromising a lavish life which teachers can easily have if their profession had been anything apart from teaching. Money and fame doesn’t matter to a teacher, all that matters to him/her is his/her dignity. And I think, for this very reason a teacher should be revered. After all, teachers act as substitute parents.

What business does a teacher have if not to mould the students’ minds and make the students better human beings? More than anyone else, when the students bring good results, the teacher feels proud and elated. After all their efforts pays off. Teachers never take away, but are always busy giving away. They share with generosity everything they know. Teachers move heaven and earth to make plans and policies to facilitate students learning, takes care of students’ needs for the all-round development. Positivity vibrates from the teachers’ surrounding, as the teacher is full of positivity. And this way, such positivity influences the students’ minds, and the students are able to live a better life that is full of compassion and care.

Teachers not only are confined to their professional duties within the four walls of a classroom, but it is more than that. For instance, Mumbai University makes it compulsory for the teachers of the Management studies to let the students go on Industrial visits from time to time and see what life would be like for the students in the near future.

It would be wrong to say that one teacher is better than the other, but we as humans are judgmental by nature. We have the sense of discrimination: we discriminate what appears good from the not-so-good, from the partially good to the extremely wonderful.


Likewise, I would say that all the teachers who taught me and who are still teaching me are amongst the best teachers in the world. But if one asks me to be more selective and specify my best teacher at present, I would say without any hesitation and a reserved favoritism that my Prof. Prasuna K., the coordinator of BMS department of my college, that is, NCRD’s Sterling College of Arts, Commerce and Science is the best teacher I have come across in this college.

She has been in the teaching profession since 2004, and hopefully she will continue teaching as long as she lives, for teaching and learning are life-long activity, moreover, a teacher like her is presently very scarce.

Prasuna Ma’am hales from Hyderabad. She pursued her MBA-HRM & M.Com from the highly reputed and renowned Osmania University. Right after her studies, she was very inclined to get some work experience. So she decided to work for LIC Housing Finance ltd and ICICI bank for a period of three years as a HR- trainee. Soon she got married, and decided to pursue her long cherished goal – teaching. Teaching has always been her passion. The eagerness and enthusiasm kept her spirit alive and high, she decided to disseminate everything she had learnt – and still continues to learn – to the youngsters and others alike.

Prasuna Ma’am teaches us Strategic Management and Marketing Management. She has always been very kind to all her students, she doesn’t believe in screaming and shouting, which is very unusual with some teachers in some colleges. A student just has to ask a question and Prasuna Ma’am would leave no stone unturned to explain the answer or answers.

She is an intensely loyal teacher, and remains ardently committed to her work. She interacts with every student openly, and is always encouraging. She twists and turns her own body so that the students can get the clear message and form the right idea. Oh, and enthusiastic she is!

A problem always has a solution to it, but it is difficult for the students to master the tricks. A teacher makes it simpler and easier. So does Prasuna Ma’am. She handles the students with utmost care, and prompts them to think out of the box. Creativity is something she has always supported. She tells her students: “If people like A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Ratan Tata, Arvind Kejriwal can bring so many changes, and do so much for the country, why can’t we do the same? Leaders can be both born and made.”

The best thing about her is that she possesses a fantastic sense of humor, and the students can’t help but laugh and learn. This is ‘true education’ in my sense. The mind is capable of doing any arduous task if only one wills to do it.

Her attitude towards students is that of a parent to a son or a daughter. She never discriminates among her students and never fails to appreciate the hard work that the students put in. She doesn’t put too much pressure on her students, and this might be one reason as to why so many students like and admire her. She always insists that what we learn should be honestly applied. “Be productive guys. Add value to the society, and bring good name,” she would suggest.

Her teaching method is very different from others. Sometimes she lets us write the notes by dictating; though her voice is clear and audible but sometimes the students find it very difficult to write some words: jargons and other long and difficult words, at such times she would write very smoothly and neatly in the blackboard. Sometimes she teaches by using the projector, that is to say, PowerPoint presentation. Unlike some other teachers, she comes totally prepared for the lecture, and brings along her notes specially prepared for the class.  She teaches by giving a lot of relevant examples. Then she would ask the students if they have understood. If the students give her any hint that they have not understood, she would promptly explain that one more time, sometimes while doing so, she even extends her class timing to a few minutes.

I consider myself very lucky for getting the privilege of studying in this college with so many knowledgeable and lovely teachers. Teachers as well as friends are very supportive and understanding. I have learnt a great deal in this college, and someday I wish to comeback to this college and work as a teacher here.


Submitted By –

Rohit Das

(Sterling College)

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Rohit Das

Hi! I am Rohit Das, pursuing MBA from IBS business school. Love everything about marketing. Down to Earth, career oriented and fun loving guy.


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