Prof. Rahul Chopra


My Most Favourite BMS Faculty is PROF. RAHUL CHOPRA who is just simply unique. No one can be as Perfect PROFESSOR, A GUIDE and A MENTOR like him.

He’s currently teaching SEM 6 subject “Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and Medium Enterprises”. He has conducted variety of RESEARCHES on various Topics which is a great INSPIRATION to all the students.

This quality may seem to be simple and primitive for people, as it is generally accepted fact that a person who chooses a profession of a teacher has to love it. It is sad, but those who are really devoted to what they do are really hard to be found.

Prof. Chopra stands out from all the rest, as when they read lectures, he don’t use any additional material but find some interesting illustrations of what he talks about. When he speaks, it is really visible that he loves what he does.

He often comes across a word “CHALLO” which simply indicates that he is ever ready to support his students in their difficulty and problems and participate with the students in their work. Accordingly, he is strict professor as well when he wants something he definitely want that thing in a PERFECT and on TIME. But yes the Professor should be strict as such in his work and alternately a well descriptive and expressive one which is one of the unique qualities of PROF. Rahul Chopra.

When it comes to presentations, he simply believes that ideas are the roots for any presentation and so mostly his topics include creation of a business or innovations in any sector. By doing so, he gives a try to brainstorm our minds which helps us to discover the hidden ideas which we ourselves are not aware of. Also the convergence of such ideas makes it easy for us to understand the real economic scenario of the corporate world and at the same time it helps us to develop the confidence to start the business in future.

Prof. Chopra believes that no idea is worthless. Any idea is born from a thought or a vision and so he highly appreciates those students who come with innovations and new ideas in the day to day lecture activity.

One of the major drawbacks seen between the present relation of professors and students is the generation gap where professors think that a particular activity is not good or not beneficial; students tend to explore it more closely. Due to the increase in this so called generation gap, many students are not able to make the rapport with the professors. He always adopts some live examples and new technique of teaching which innovates his work so that he can certainly make the lecture interesting for students.

However the case is different when it comes to Prof. Chopra’s lecture. He always says that if I want to teach you guys then I should come at your level and the see the world. This makes it easy not only for him to teach but also for students who feel about the lack of generation gap. This quality of Prof. Chopra makes him my favourite BMS professor. With a very helpful nature and inspiring students with new ideas ad innovations, Prof. Chopra remains one of the outstanding faculties in my life and I feel privileged to have the moments of interacting and sharing my thoughts and visions during the semesters in the form of presentations as well as in the classroom activity.

In the last I would like to conclude that Prof. Rahul Chopra has set certain milestone in his life. He follows certain principles which make him one of the best and certainly an amazing Professor. Which yes, every student is in search for!


Submitted By –

Ronak Agarwal

(Bhavans College, Andheri)

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Ronak Agrawal

Hi! I am Ronak Agrawal, doing BMS from Bhavans College, Andheri. I like people who are devoted to their profession and love what they do in life.


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