Prof. Rashi


In my school days, I had come across this poem of a ‘Teacher’.

Teacher is the one

Who is the God’s greatest creation;

Who is the backbone of the entire nation;

Whom we don’t meet during the vacation;

Her narration is the biggest inspiration;

Her scolding is the best vaccination;

She is the perfect preacher and

She is my teacher!


I usually respect all my teachers but Prof. Rashi is the most favorite one. She had taught us Service Sector Management subject and was a true master of that subject. She is good-looking, smart, well-dressed, strict about discipline, kind and lovely. She explains every concept with suitable examples and encourages students in all college activities. The unique quality in her is that she always dresses in formals throughout the Semester. She also made it mandatory for all students to wear formals on all college days in the First Year of BMS. On special request, she made it mandatory only on selected days like Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Second Year of Bachelor of Management Studies. During presentations, we don’t get irritated to wear formals as we are used to it during other college days. She is approachable, lively and student-friendly professor. She is such an amazing professor that you can find her college till late evening solving students’ queries and doubts. She handles only 1 Class of FYBMS i.e. 60 students but she would see to it that every student has learnt her subject well and also get their problems solved from her. She would keep us updated about each and every college activity and motivate us to take part in the events.

From solving small issues to getting approval for events and Industrial Visits, Rashi Mam does it all herself for the students. Without giving explanations, Mam used to understand what the students’ requirements are and she used to work accordingly. She has been and will always be the best BMS faculty I have ever seen in the whole course curriculum in my college. I would always aspire to be like her one day.


I’m happy you’re my teacher;

Thanks for all you do.

You make learning easy;

Your lessons are fun, too!



Submitted by –


(R.A.D.A.V. College)

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Sneha Bhosle

Hi! I am Sneha Bhosle, doing BMS from R.A.D.A.V. College.I am currently studying in SYBMS. I like to take part in events and college days.


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