Prof. Sachin R. Vedpathak


A teacher is someone who spreads the light of knowledge. He himself has the power of knowledge, skills and talent which is spread in such a way that the students become great knowledgeable person. Hence, they make the students according to the teachers only. Jawaharlal Nehru said that “STUDENTS ARE THE FUTURE OF INDIA”.

I have got this wonderful opportunity to share with everyone about my teacher, mentor, guide and strength. Prof. SACHIN. R.VEDPATHAK who holds Corporate Experience of 8 Years with companies like – Wipro Ltd, TCS & C-DAC and 10 Years of teaching experience. He has done his MBA and holds Diploma in Computers from Boston. He is also Quality expert by having Six Sigma Green Belt degree. He also served other college as a Visiting Faculty. At such a young age he achieved his goals. Only 38 years of age he taught the MBA students. He started teaching in the year 1999.

He taught us Foundation of Human Skills in first semester. He is also teaching Management Subjects like Strategic Management & HRM. We are attracted by his teaching styles. He teaches the students in entertaining style. The way he stands and talks with the students is very stylish.

As we know that, BMS is professional course. Therefore, he says that prepare yourself from all aspects so that you can handle and tackle all the tough situations and tough people who will not only build leadership styles in yourself but also a great leader. Not only he guides the students in studies but also encourages to participate in different activities, sports, dance etc. Now he is the CO-ORDINATOR of BMS in P.D.Lions College of Commerce and Economics.

He is committed to time, teaching, improvement and enhancing skills of the students. He follows his schedule and does not deviate neither likes anybody of us doing that.

Every lecture he always tries to improve our IQ level by giving problem on logical reasoning and create more interest in problem solving abilities so that we further can crack exams related to CMAT, CET, and SNAP etc.

He has a straight forward attitude among us which we like as he is very clear on what he expects from us and what he is delivering. This attitude is helping us to take decisions quickly. His approach is friendly but not a friendly attitude. He maintains the distance of professor and student whenever needed that’s what I like so nobody takes him for granted as he becomes very very unpredictable.

He has only two principles in teaching:-

1)      He teaches us to understand the concepts, theories etc so that we can talk on it in the interviews as well as in groups.

2)      He also teaches us to score well in academics so that we can get interview call and apply his principle 1.

Being a BMS student, presentation is very important in our course. I remember my first presentation. I was too nervous. Prof. Sachin only motivated and encouraged me to speak out my ideas, thoughts, skills etc. He always encouraged the students which is a great motivation for me and all. Today I can talk in front of 100 students which I couldn’t have even done for 10 students if Sachin Sir would not have motivated me at the first class presentation only.

Hence teachers are very important for all of us. We only learn from them. How to talk. How to speak. How to stand before the person etc.

Teachers means-









Prof. Sachin is not only teacher but also a friend, fun loving, inspiring and motivating person. I really cherish everything that I have learned from him. “TEACHER IS JUST LIKE A SHADOW OF GOD”. Respect them and love them.


Submitted by –

Sandeep Choudhary

(Dalmia College)

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Sandeep Choudhary
I am Sandeep Choudhary, studying in FYBMS from P.D. Lions College. I like to read books and play games. My aim is to pursue my MBA from renowned MBA institutes.


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