Prof. Salonee Shukla Lodaya


The coordinator of BMS section was announcing the subjects for the first semester. All I could hear is Business Statistics, Principles of Management, and Financial Accounts, Foundation of Human skills IT and we all were writing without paying attention. But when the teacher announced Effective Communication as a subject it caught my attention. The first and the foremost question that rose in my mind, “why we are BMS students suppose to learn communication skills?” This is something which we learn since our childhood days. Every parent teaches their child how to talk to anyone and similarly other communicating skills. Number of questions was there in my mind and I was looking for an answer to all of them.

It was our first effective Communication lecture and I was anxiously waiting to get answers to my questions. That was the day when I met Prof. Salonee Shukla Lodaya, our Effective Communication professor for the first time. She is a woman who has a personality I had never witnessed before. As she started with her lecture I got all the answers to my questions. The way she communicated with all of us I was sure we all were in need to learn communication skills. She had mastered all of them. She was flawless. During her lecture students can easily be themselves. It was hard to believe that she was still pursuing her MA in PYSCHOLOGY and teaching us, she firmly believes in gaining as much as knowledge one can in one’s lifespan and imparts the same to her students.

She is MBA in Marketing, Graduation with BMM in Advertising and also holds diploma in French, Advertising and PR. She has successfully completed training in Social Media Marketing at HGA communication, Manchester, UK. She is just 27 years of age and has a lot of experience. She is a visiting lecturer for all self finance courses at various colleges around the city like St Xaviers college, KES college, KJ Somaiya College, SK Somaiya ”Aurobindo” , Siddharth college, Don Bosco school of Hotel management, LN college and World school of Media. The list still goes on. She is voice culture and public speaking trainer at National Ideological Movement for better literature and Education (NIMBLE) Mumbai

She teaches host of subjects like Business communication, Effective Communication, Principles of Management, Media studies, Mass media research, Organizational Behaviour, Consumer Behaviour, Brand building, Advertising and Marketing research. I personally asked her once that why is she into teaching field when she has a great and a better career option into corporate world to which  she replied that she had quit the lucrative corporate world to get into teaching field. This shows us how committed she is to her work. After hearing this, my admiration for her increased a lot

She shares a great bond with her students. The way she teaches her subjects and explains in a way that we as students take much home besides the homework. Her teaching style is one of the things which make her my favorite. She is much into practical learning than theory. She explains us in a unique way by giving examples to each and every difficulty. She conducts debates, interviews in the class itself to boost the morale of the students. Though she follows the traditional methodology of teaching that is explaining and giving notes along with examples but the way she explains the syllabus is something which is different from others.

The feats she has achieved and is still achieving in her career are impeccable and is the sky for every student pursuing their career in this stream. As quoted, “There is no recipe to be a great teacher’’ and that is what is unique about her and which makes her stand different in the crowd.

Submitted By –

Freny Sachde

S.K. Somaiya College


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Freny Sachde

Hi! I am Freny Sachde, doing BMS from S.K. Somaiya College. Love reading books - The Secret, Revolution 2020 and 3 mistakes of my life. I like writing and observing people.