Prof. Samidha Chheda


“There is no recipe to be a great teacher, that’s what is unique about them.”-Robert Sternberg.

A teacher plays a vital role in every person’s life. A teacher however is not a person who just teaches a subject but is someone beyond that. It is the teacher who helps us in our academics as well as in our day to day lives.

“One of the first things we learn from our teachers is discernment the ability to tell truth from fiction, to know when we have lost our center and how to find it again. Discernment is also one of the last things we learn, when we feel our paths diverge and we must separate from our mentors in order to stay true to ourselves.”-Anne Hill.

We all have teachers who teach us from academic standpoint but we all had someone who would instill in us knowledge in a much wider perspective, something that would make us successful student and a better person, such teachers  have literally occupied a special place in our life. I would like to narrate to you all about my teacher, who is miles beyond being just a teacher; she is a friend philosopher and guide to me!

The teacher I admirer is Prof. Samidha Chheda. She has done her LLM. She has been teaching law for the last 12years and is a visiting professor at D.G Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce in the Department of Management Studies.

Prof. Chheda has taught us Business Law and Industrial Law in the first year and is teaching us Import and Export in the second year. She is one of the professors who become a favorite of many students in her first lecture itself. She believes in spreading knowledge and education far beyond the walls of the classroom. Prof. Chheda takes her students to a different world by imparting practical knowledge-oriented education rather than just score-oriented. Chheda madam always told us to understand the subject and not merely learn it. She was a person who was particular regarding time. She consistently motivates the students to excel not only in their academics but also in other related activities which would boost their personality.

Samidha ma’am does not teach us entirely from the text-book since she does not believe only in text-book knowledge but she asks the entire class some questions and this is how we all understand the subject. She always revises the topics taught in the previous class. Law ma’am also encourages many students to come up with their thoughts. She made the subject of Law very interesting by giving simple and interesting examples. She was compassionate about teaching law, she always made a point that the students understood the topics taught during the lecture.

She would interact with all the students at all times and would ensure all our doubts were addressed to our satisfaction. Samidha madam would help each and every student during the time of presentation. I still remember that during our presentation she would smile at us and communicate with us. Law ma’am always would tell the students to relax and stay calm while presenting. She had a unique style of teaching and the students would enjoy during her lecture. Prof. Chheda made law an interesting subject to study.

Before the first lecture I felt that law was a boring subject but Samidha madam with her unique skills made it so interesting and easy that I would never miss any lecture of hers. At the end of the lecture she would always ask the students whether the topics covered were understood.

Prof. Chheda has been a really good teacher and will always influence us. She will always be my favorite teacher. Thank you Samidha ma’am that you helped the students in whichever way you could. You really are the best.



 Submitted by –

Manali Patwardhan

(D.G. Ruparel College)

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Manali Patwardhan
Hi! I am Manali Patwardhan, doing BMS from D.G. Ruparel College. I like playing badminton, basketball, tennis and travelling, like making new friends. Sachin Tendulkar is my fav cricketer and I love reading books of Chetan Bhagat.


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