Prof. Seema Sawant


A teacher is called to be a second parent after our own parents, I would always give a second thought why she/he is called to be our parent when we already have one, and this answer is still continuing and gaining a lot of meaning through the time that passes by.

My Priority  the ‘Almighty God our creator’ is the source of each and everything and after him, we will never forget our ‘Parents’ as they are ‘our 1st teacher’ in the same way we can’t never forget our ‘Teachers’, as more of our time is spend in nursery/schools/colleges/university rather than being home. Where there is no guidance, we children tend to fall, but in an abundance of a ‘guiding star-a teacher’ there is safety”. She/he makes us feel comfortable & inspires you even if there are situations like a danger zone. Yes, I am glad that she entered through the doors of our class, and now being my favourite teacher –

Prof. Seema Sawant-being the source of blessed feeling”.

‘Every cloud has a silver lining’; similar situation took place in our college too, where we had one of our teachers bidding us ‘bye’ and we ought to have a thought, how will it be ‘if a stranger  comes in our lives and how things will work especially when we are in the end of our college years! As we kept on thinking how the new Prof. will be, the limit would be the Sky & the new Prof. Seema Sawant, just joined a few months ago in the month of July 2012.

In the season of rains, she healed with love all our doubts and questions in pains. She is not only called to be a teacher or a second parent but also a friend, a mentor, a elder sister, a well wisher, a philosopher, an experienced practitioner. For me she has & still plays the role of being a ‘Known Well Wisher’, who continues to build myself, to have ‘the hope’ in me & also to enrich, encourage & empower our talents to use it for our betterment  (I have specified the word ‘our’ as she is never been biased).


Before I could share some more moments, I would like to say that today is her Birthday, ‘2nd December’ wishing her “Beautiful Day with Showers of blessing to continue to be just the way you are…”

Prof. Seema Sawant is an ‘Assistant Professor’ in Cosmopolitan’s Valia College of Commerce, BSC.IT, and B.M.S. & B.A.F. in the department of Management Studies. With 18 years of Corporate Experience, she has worked as an Assistant Manager/Finance Officer/Administrative in charge with an immense experience, confidence & qualified to take the challenges that teaching profession offers. She is qualified as P.G.D.M.S, M.COM, & B.COM & teaching in Kirandevi Saraf Institute: Tilak Maharashtra University Institute Pune-in-MBA in HRM, SYBBA, and SYBCA. IGNOU-in-MBA FYBCA.

She considers such applied responsibilities to be among the most important contribution that she makes towards the education of students with interest and has command on subjects like Human Resource Management, Industrial Law, Financial Management, Indian Management Thought & Practices, and also Principles of Management & Marketing & Global Capital Markets and leading us in other subjects too.

She has been primarily handling the students, arranging placements for them, assisting in the cultural, magazines and administrative & accounts work in previous colleges. Being an enthusiastic person & creating opportunities for students and arranging competitions such as ad mad shows, thunderstorm, she is not only capable but being & making herself available for us’! She is a visiting faculty in Post-Graduate Management programme (MBA, MMS, and PGDM) and being an examiner & moderator also in Masters (Under-graduate & Masters CAP) and a full time lecturer for subjects like “Financial & Cost Accounting” in the University of Mumbai.

My first encounter with her fully besides the class was when a seminar took place, when Prof. Seema & few students had to go there. My First ever thought was will she be very strict? Will I be able to talk to her? Will…& so on, but as we met her & she took the 1st step and made us very much comfortable to be with her, I personally felt I am with ‘a caring person & is my own’. She never made us feel lonely being a student in between ‘an unknown crowd’ but made us feel good & for the strength that she spread with a happy attitude & having her with us ‘made me feel proud’.

I got to know her more, she with her expertise adds on to our knowledge more, teaches us every little aspect and detailed information not only through the pages of the book but also pages of the life that one faces. The most fascinating time has she didn’t add the word ‘Prof’ as she herself thought of not proving to be one, until & unless an student topped in her subject with merit in the university and congratulating her for all the teaching & help that she provided for all of them.


This is in a small way dedicated to you Prof. Seema that you are still mesmerizing us with your love…


“Getting to know her was not a hard task;

She would make us feel happy in her presence as her children, to whom a mother gives thou even the child need not ask.


She was and is always there when the time seemed so blue…

I am happy has God gifted us ‘You’!


Words seems to be short,

Memories in fraction of times are lot…

The virtues that you have developed in us will never rot,

                             Has you have taught,

By empowering the honest being, with hardworking, won’t go wasted,

The fruits of this will always be Sweet tasted.


We continue to learn & receive more from you,

Without asking, you grant us lot when we deserve something few,

Especially knowing the essence of sharing with others what they have not,

                   Making us shine brighter as Humans with

                  The simplicity of humanity you have brought!


Taking care, giving us love equally & teaching us inside out,

You have sowed in the grain of being a blessing,

That inspires us in good or bad moments,

Standing thick and thin with a “SMILE” that motivates us to win!


Cheering in others happiness you have showed,

With bringing our fellow mates up with sparkling times you have poured,

 Profit/Loss is not the only root for ourselves,

But being there when anyone needs your help!


With only fearing the Divine,

Respecting our elders & being innocent as kid in times,

You have leaded us to stand by what is right &

Always be at the side of truth which made us more shine…


  Time flew, days passed, months also went so fast…with having beautifying  this enchanting feeling in our hearts”.

“Encouraging me to build me up more,

I thank you from my deepest hearts core”!



“As God, who gives generously to all without reproach, a teacher teaches you-the approach”.


 Submitted by-

Anisha Fernandes

(Valia College)


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Anisha Fernandes
Hie friends, i'm Anisha has u have already read my name...i love to enjoy each moment has it comes and sway along with it, good moments makes memories and the bad moments makes better learnt Experiences count on...Live life with respect,love & fraternity. Make it the best & dont keep an account on the rest !!! Hope this is not too wee, coz this is a Small Part of Me :)


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