Prof. Sheetal Mody


Since I was born, my parents always taught me to give reverence and respect to my teachers much more than what I should give to GOD. I thought of it as a strange fact and always asked them, if it is God who is responsible for everything possible on earth then why Teacher before him! Then my daddy dearest told me a Sanskrit Doha by Saint Kabir…

Guru govind dau khade kake lagu pai,

balihari guru aap ne

Govind diyo batai

            Kabir, the Great Saint says, “Teacher and God both stood upfront me, I was confused so as towards whom to bow my head first, but oh Teacher of mine, it was your Gratefulness that you showed me the right path to bow towards the Almighty Lord”

Teachers are the most important aspects of a student’s life. A teacher acts as a parent away from home and I being lucky with God’s Grace, have a similar motherly teacher – Prof. Sheetal Mody, the Coordinator of Bachelors of Management Studies at K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce.


Prof. Sheetal Mody is one of the best teachers that any student can expect in anyone’s life. She has pursued M.Com. M.Phil. MBA and is one of the most learned people that I have ever got to meet and above that she is a real strong woman. The best thing that I like about her is that she is an awesome orator and has such extreme expressional vocabulary that no one dares talk to her when she speaks. A teacher is always expected to be on her toes and she makes sure that she stands to what she says. From being in student parties to enjoying in Industrial visits with them, she has made sure that she makes students at ease. When in the 1st year of BMS, I was too shy to go and participate in events but she always encouraged me to do my best. She scolds, she is stern, she is dynamic and she is funny and the best part of all is that – She is my Teacher.

She has been teaching Strategic management, Fundamentals of Human Skills, Service Sector etc. to us and trust me; she is a pleasure to listen to! From industry examples to examples she has observed and experienced, she makes sure that we, her students get to understand the core of the subjects rather than understanding the theory alone. She believes in making the studies so clear and straight for the students that we never need to go back home and look back at it! She is Loving as a mother, caring as a dad but also stern as an Army General. This makes her a complete package of a near perfect Guru!

Prof. Sheetal Mody is a woman of stature, a woman with grit and determination who makes sure that she is what she is! Since last six years she believes in making not a gem out of a student but rather in polishing the rough part of the student’s life. I have always been surrounded with the best of teachers in my life who have guided with great love and care and have made sure that I stand above from the crowd. But with the entry of Sheetal Ma’am I have really gone through; one may say a storm full of opportunities and chances. She guides the students throughout the course in such a way that a student never feels that he/she is away from home. Her love for her students is unparalleled and her determination to teach the students is incomparable to anything! I still remember, when in SYBMS, I had exams the next day and I was confused with the study materials. I called her at 11.30 pm and she was explaining me the answers on the phone with the inspirational words, “I Trust you my child. You will do well.” Those words made my life and I was among the top scorers in that examination. That is the magic that Sheetal Mody Ma’am creates in the minds of the students. The sheer confidence that she rests on her students is like a stairway towards success.

A Favorite among the staff members and an idol for all the students in the college, she has made sure that she holds the whole department united together in the strong holds of her love and affection. I have always aspired to be like her. She has always mentioned her mission by saying that it is her aim to “provide substantial education to people. Education here not only means academic but in every sense.”

I do not know how much of all I have been able to satisfy her academically, but in every point of life I always try to be like her and make sure that I incorporate the philosophies that she has ever taught me. I shall never finish this article if I continuously keep writing about her and her qualities as even a book would be less to write about her. I can talk and talk continuously about her without a pause as she is such a supreme character in my life. Every time I join my hands in front of the Almighty Lord, I pray that my dearest Sheetal Mody Ma’am is happy and contented.


Submitted By

 Aryal Shyamal K.

[K.P.B.HindujaCollege of Commerce]

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Aryal Shyamal

Hi! I am Aryal Shyamal, doing BMS from K.P.B. Hinduja College. I am the Owner at Arham Private Tuitions. I love reading people's eyes. My dad says,"if u Want to win in life,my son, then learn to-Float like a butterfly but sting like a bee"


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