Prof. Sheethala Mahesh


“Good teachers impart good education. Ordinary teachers groom their students to become leaders, but great teachers inspire us to seek our own path. They encourage us to discover our talents.”

The professor who inspired me to discover my talent is Prof. Sheethala Mahesh. An MBA in finance  with one year experience in Consumer finance and 2 years in Insurance in the Product Development team has helped her to become one of the best in the field.

She has been imparting and sharing her expertise with others since one and half years. An expertise in subjects such as Finance, Accounts, Business environment, Marketing, Operational research makes her a compelete package. One fine day one of her teachers adored her and advised her to teach and since then she has been taking teaching as her profession and imparting knowledge to other ambitious students like us.

She became my favorite on the very first lecture itself with her innovative and out of the box teaching methods. Rather then telling us the syllabus, she asked us that how do we want her class to be and what does marketing means to us. Many of us were not clear with marketing as a concept but as the semester got over we knew all the concepts of marketing thoroughly.

A true perfectionist and motivator are the terms to define her and takes every class as a challenge. For her, students are her efforts and their performance is her result.


Teach me and I will forget,

Show me and I will learn,

Involve me and I will understand.

Prof. Sheethala follows this mantra for her students. She does not believe in theoretical knowledge. She uses active and collaborative learning techniques. The assignment which she gave us was innovative and gave us practical knowledge. It’s because of her that I understood my interest in marketing and she left no stone unturned to boost my confidence. One of my favorite assignments which she gave to us was making an advertisement. I found it very creative and innovative.

She is even a wake up call for us when times demand. If she found any one of us feeling sleepy, she would make us jump, bend, etc. which would refresh us. Because of her assignment of reading newspaper daily and maintain a book of all the marketing related news and explaining them, inculcated the habit of reading newspaper in me. She is a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. The notes which she provided were very easy to understand and that used to help us to score good in our exams. During presentations she used to give us the feedback and point out the areas to improve.

Prof. Sheethala is a friend, philosopher and guide all molded in one person. I am very grateful to have a teacher like her and I wish all the teachers were like her.

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”

Submitted by –

Nikita Mahadik

(D.G. Ruparel College)

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Nikita Mahadik
Hi! I am Nikita Mahadik, doing BMS from D.G. Ruparel College. I am a simple person who likes to make new friends.


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