Prof. Usha Rao


Every human being has two phase of life like two sides of coin. One phase is of Happiness and another of Pain or sorrows. Every one of us aims to achieve happiness but it is not an easy task to be happy every time. We always face difficulties in some form or the other. As soon as we overcome difficulties we achieve happiness and if we don’t then it results into sorrow. This cycle continues for the whole lifetime of a Human being. Tackling difficulties needs guidance and a positive attitude which is not possible to have without the help of a Teacher.

According to Hindu Religion Teacher is considered as God with the statement “Gurur Bhrahma Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara, Gurur Sakshat Parahbhrahma, Tasmaya Shri Guruve Namah”. Therefore, Teacher is truly representation of Lord Vishnu, Brahma and Mahesh who sustains Knowledge and makes the way for his student. A True teacher sacrifices a lot of things for the benefit of its student.

Teaching and Learning is a process which goes on for the whole lifetime. A true Teacher’s teaching never gets wasted and the one who learns with pure dedication is always ready to face challenges of life with a passion to win.

Same is the life in R. A. Podar College where Students have the ambition to study along with fun which is supported by our professors at each and every step. To be a part of college is truly amazing as students get an opportunity to be a part of various activities of college at various levels. It is not possible without the help and the support of Professors and Authority of R. A. Podar College.

Every professor at R. A. Podar College has their own specialty and they have excellent teaching background but the best Professor I do believe is

Prof. Usha Rao from B.M.S Section. Prof. Usha Rao is very well qualified and she has the ability to teach very well to the students. One of the most amazing skill of her is she teaches in a practical manner. She teaches every subject of her in such a way that it gives students practical experience and its applications.

Prof. Usha Rao has a good observation skills and she is friendly to explain her observations to students freely regarding companies operations, techniques and modern concepts. She whenever goes for Industrial Visits with students tries to explain about the company and gives the idea about the company in advance to make sure that we have fair idea about the company. She treats every student as their child. One of the important points is she gives personal attention to all the girl students regarding their behavior and for their personal development.

She mainly teaches Operations and Productions Management part to BMS Section students. She acts as a mentor for all FY, SY and TY BMS Students. Every student has due respect for her and treats her more than a Professor. She is a role model for many students of BMS Section. She has the most important feature that she never backs down from her words/commitment. The kind of knowledge she has is truly enormous. She guides maximum TY students for their 200 marks projects and the structure which she provides as a research guide is a true evidence of her ability and capacity.

Usha Rao Madam believes in interacting with students during her lecture in order to know about Students knowledge and the gaps/weaknesses which they possess. She always tries to convey the students about their weaknesses but not in an open manner. She is very careful to let them know about it. She has a professional way of teaching which is useful for Students practical life.

Speaking about her living style Usha Rao madam has a very simple and a decent life which speaks lot of things about her. It is not difficult to understand her as she is very friendly and very kind from heart. She never thinks for herself and she has a sacrificing heart. She always wears Kanjivaram Sarees of different style and the design of her sarees is very unique. Because of this reason many students present her Sarees of their choice during her Birthday. By seeing the love and respect from students she usually gets emotional during her Birthday. It is her look and style which makes her a complete Indian Woman who works really hard for her family and for her students.

Usha Rao Madam works really hard and it can be evident with her quality of punctuality. She lives in Dombivili and travels daily from Dombivili to Dadar/Matunga. She has to reach college very early that is at 8 am in the morning. She is always on time and never gets late. She is a live example for time management. If we look at an Indian woman it is really difficult for her to manage everything at home like her daughter or son, husband, etc and to manage professional life along with it. Prof. Usha Rao has proved that she has the capacity for hard work and she will never back down from any worst situation. She teaches many concepts of Management but the real thing is she applies those teachings in her life too.

She has the leadership skills as well. She is never too strict and very soft spoken. Always her action speaks louder than words. Usha Rao Madam is a successful professor for the students who have tried to know her. She is a true human being who understands the pains and difficulties of others.

There is so much to learn from Prof. Usha Rao. Learning never has a limit and there are unlimited things to learn from Prof. Usha Rao. Soon time will come when the History of R. A. Podar College will recognize Prof. Usha Rao as one of the best professor of all time. When it comes to students, she always says that ex-students are always in contact with her in order to take guidance from her. But there is one thing which she might never know she is always in the heart of her True Students as she has been the True Teacher for them. One who lives in the heart is always next to God for a human being. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Prof. Usha Rao is next to God as a True Professor for her True Students.



Submitted by-

Sankalp Singh

(R.A. Podar College)

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Sankalp Singh

I am a student and want to learn as much I can from my surroundings, friends, parents and especially from my experience


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