Prof. Vinima Gambhir


Talking about the most entertaining and chilled out lecture amidst all the stressful, boring and long lectures that BMS has to offer would surely be one that Prof. Vinima Gambhir teaches. Her teaching philosophy is simple: Teaching and learning isn’t about how well you perform in terms of marks and grades, it is how much of your knowledge can you apply to the practical world. Therefore most of her lectures are more of an interactive discussion rather than theoretical & monotonous.

Prof. Vinima Gambhir has done her B.Com, L.L.B (G), DHRM, MBA, MPhil and is currently studying too.
She teaches a vast genre of subjects varying from Law to Corporate Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility to Strategic Management. She also teaches in Management institutions like Wellingkar’s and L.S. Raheja alongside our college, St. Andrew’s College.

She believes in treating every student with the same love and affection. She is my guide, my mentor and philosopher. What appeals to me most about her is her perspective on life she always motivates us to learn from our own mistakes rather than the normal quote that everyone chants about learning from others mistake.

Vinima ma’am encourages her students to achieve excellence in performance rather than on papers. She breaks the normal notion of studies come first that notion which every profession in BMS scares us with. She helps us to find our true passion rather than becoming one of the many dummies existing in the world.

Besides being a professor, a guide, a mentor, a philosopher, a coordinator, a mother she is also an entrepreneur, she full time runs her company alongside her full time presence in college. She is one professor who can convince one to do the impossible. Her unique way of teaching and leadership has enabled many of the timid and shy students to actively take part in activities and manage posts of high responsibility.

Vinima ma’am ensures that she is always there for her students, be it ex-students or present thanks to her pleasant & approachable nature.

It is always a pleasure to attend her lectures because of the many live examples that she uses in her teaching one finds it very difficult to get bored. She is extremely flexible with her teaching pattern and is also very sensitive to the mood swings of students.

Vinima ma’am brings life in knowledge, she is what makes learning seem fun and entertaining alongside her assurance that she would be there for us, and that she would nurture us till we can finally step out.


Submitted by –

Mubeena Lalani

(St. Andrews College)

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Hi! I am Mubeena Lalani, doing BMS from St. Andrews College. Writer. Animal Lover. Reader. Determined. Creative. Persistent. Dreamer. Fighter. Talkative. Strong Headed. Music Lover. Moody. Collector. Never Give Up Attitude. :)


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