Project Aasha



Women bear almost all the responsibility for meeting basic needs of the family, yet are systematically denied the resources, information and freedom of action to fulfil this responsibility.

Studies show that when women are supported & empowered, all of society benefits. Their incomes increase, families are healthier, more children go to school. In short, communities become more resilient.

Hence SIFE HRCs Project Aasha firmly believes that empowering women to be the key change agents is essential to freeing families from hunger and poverty

Project Aasha

Project Aasha is a youth initiative to empower underprivileged slum women with an equal employment opportunity by training them into skilled beauty professionals. Bridging the gap between the expected level of beauty service at ones home and the current service quality, SIFE HRC introduces Citrus Home Salon.

Our dual aim is to offer high quality and professional beauty services at a reasonable price and impact and bring about a quality change in the lives of underprivileged women who wish to make a difference.

Project Aasha, employs unfortunate slum women, willing to work and are in need of an additional source of income, transforms them into professional beauticians through the rigorous training process, thereby enabling them to provide high quality service to their clients.

Branded under the name ‘Citrus Home Salon’, we cater to clients in South Mumbai with waxing, threading, pedicure, manicure, facial, bleaching and massage services at the comfort of one’s home. These women possess the necessary skill sets to deliver quality services and are equipped with quality products to ensure the high standard service offering.

Current Status

We have conducted pilot runs from May to July wherein the women have received experience, catering to a number of clients, practicing and perfecting their technique and delivery of service over a wide range of activities.

We now stand poised to officially launch our services under the Citrus banner and as a fully functioning business enterprise.

Within a short span of its operations, Project Aasha has been able to empower 3 under-privileged women from the Subhedhar Nagar Slum at Worli.

They have received their first monthly salary of Rs. 5000 and, having had a taste of what a rewarding job feels like, look forward to building from strength to strength along with the project as a whole.


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Khushaal Talreja
• Aspire to be an inspirational and entrepreneurial leader who will lead from the front, with qualities of positive mental attitude and an engaging & challenging approach. • Showcase my leadership & multi-tasking skills in the corporate world. • To put theoretical knowledge to the best practical use in the work I perform.


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