Project Topics for Finance




Sr. No                                                                     Topic

001 A study on capital market in india

002 Capital market investigation

003 Alternate channel for distribution of Reliance mutual fund for creating

awareness of fund

004 An insight into micro-finance

005 A study on Micro finance and its trends

006 An insight into Venture capital

007 Venture capital financing in India

008 A strategic overview of E-payment in Indian business

009 Venture capital

010 Application of IT in stock market

011 Assessment of Working capital requirement

012 Awareness and implementation of CRISIL SME rating amongst emerging SME

013 Behavioural finance – an introduction

014 Big ticket mergers

015 Capital market in India & portfolio management

016 Capital structure – way of corporate finance structuring

017 Understanding role of capital structuring in corporates

018 Carbon credit futures

019 Carbon credit – understanding the concept

020 Cashless society

021 Comparative evaluation of strategies in mergers and acquisition

022 Study on consumer preference towards Mutual fund

023 Corporate financial policies and shareholders return

024 Corporate restructuring

025 Corporate governance in banks

026 Credit Risk management in SBI

027 CIBL

028 Critical evaluation of cash & working capital management

029 Current trend and growth pattern of Indian banking sector

030 Customer satisfaction criteria for credit cards

031 Demat system in India

032 Derivatives – Indian scenario

033 Derivatives trading and its impact on volatility of NSE

034 Derivatives – uplugged

035 Development of capital market in India

036 Distribution of Mutual funds in India

037 Study and evaluation of economic deflation in Japan

038 Electronic banking

039 Equities & portfolio management

040 Evaluation and implementation of euro currency

041 Export finance

042 Export and import – procedures and documentation


043 External debt management

044 Finance in Micro-insurance

045 Financial analysis of HCL infotech LTD

046 Foreign exchange determination

047 From efficient market theory to behavioural finance

048 Global financial meltdown and how to avoid economic crisis

049 Global meltdown 2008

050 Global recession and micro finance in developing countries

051 Gold & jewellery market in Dubai

052 Gold investment rationale

053 Market risk – How do mutual fund help to minimize market risk

054 Marketing strategies by HSBC bank

055 Impact of derivatives trading on emerging capital market

056 Importance of customers in mergers & acquisition

057 Importance of micro finance in developing economy

058 Indian banking system: current state & Road ahead

059 Industrial policy 1991

060 Infrastructure Finance – Road Ahead

061 A study on infrastructure finance in India

062 Understanding infrastructure finance

063 Internet banking of SBI

064 Investment and wealth management business of SBI

065 Investment alternatives

066 Investment banking

067 Investment analysis for returns from various instruments

068 Investment perception regarding various investment avenues in stock


069 A study on investment preference of given target group at Religare LTD

070 Investment analysis & Risk management

071 Listing of securities

072 Market potential of unit link insurance plans

073 Merger & acquisition – conceptual framework

074 Introduction to M & A

075 Merger and acquisition – avoiding path of decay

076 Management and design of Micro finance models – grameen bank

077 Micro-finance in India-a critique

078 Modern Finance VS Behavioural finance

079 MRP on venture capital industry in India

080 Analysis of investor preference during normal time VS recession period

081 Mutual fund

082 Non Life insurance

083 Non performing assets management and its comparative analysis in global

and Indian context

084 Personal money management

085 Priority sector lending

086 Ratio analysis of Drish shoes Ltd


087 Retail banking in India

088 Learning and understanding Ratio analysis

089 Reverse mortgage in India

090 Role of FII in capital market in India

091 FII-Capital market linkage

092 Rural finance in Indian economy

093 Scope of Micro Finance and its impact

094 Securitization

095 Study of investment instrument – its need and scope

096 Study on Bombay stock exchange

097 VAT

098 Venture capital

099 Venture capital – management of financial services

100 An overview into venture capital and undermining concept

101 Working capital management

102 Working capital management assessment

103 A study on BSE & NSE

104 Credit rating services in India – overview of CRISIL

105 Demat accounts

106 Evolution and implementation of Euro currency

107 Evolution and future of venture capital

108 Gold as an investment option

109 Small finance – micro finance

110 Personal finance

111 Risk management

112 Treasury bill market

113 Acquisition by banks

114 Mobile banking

115 Risk management in banking sector

116 An insight into off shore banking

117 Analysis of innovative banking services – ATM

118 Awareness regarding ULIP and changes made by IRDA for ICICI prudential

life insurance

119 Bancassurance – an overview

120 Bancassurance – a feasible study for banks in India

121 A through analysis of Bancassurance

122 Bank marketing

123 Banking and insurance

124 Banking sector – a comparative study

125 Service sector marketing – banking sector

126 Banking services in India

127 Cash management at standard chartered bank

128 E-banking HDFC VS ICICI

129 Comparative analysis of public, private and cooperative bank

130 Comparative study between public and private sector banks

131 Awareness of E-banking between ICICI and HDFC bank customers


132 Corporate governance in banking – A conceptual framework

133 Customer satisfaction at bank & Home service of ICICI bank

134 Customer satisfaction towards ICICI bank

135 Cyber crime in banking sector

136 E-banking

137 Services provided by bank – E banking

138 Entry of new banks in private sector – a discussion

139 Financial risk management

140 Growth in banking sector

141 HDFC- recruit financial consultants and sell policies

142 HR practices by nationalized bank

143 ICICI bank -@home and other services

144 Impact of mobile technologies on banking world

145 Innovation and trends in banking & insurance sector

146 Internet banking

147 Introduction to bancassurance

148 M-Banking

149 Mobile and online banking

150 New age private sector bank

151 Privatization in banking sector

152 Punjab national bank – Ratio analysis

153 Risk management of UBI

154 Rural banking in India


156 Strategic evolution in banking sector

157 Indian banking industry

158 World bank

159 Export process and documentation

160 Merger & Acquisition

161 Ratio analysis – Vardhman textiles ltd

162 customer perception towards internet banking wrt private and foreign bank

163 E-banking

164 Advances in micro insurance in India

165 Agency business model of insurance company ‘competitive strategies’

166 Analysis of Indian insurance industry with reference to HDFC standard life


167 Awareness of financial planning in emerging Indian market

168 Channel development at Max new York life insurance

169 Customer satisfaction survey on insurance products of ICICI prudential

170 Effectiveness of IRDA as regulatory

171 Finance in micro insurance at sharekhan

172 Innovation in Indian insurance industry

173 A study on insurance sector in India

174 A study on insurance sector in India & Role of IRDA

175 LIC – a perspective

176 Marine insurance – smooth sailing


177 Microinsurance – demand and market prospects

178 Micro insurance in India – trends and prospects

179 Motor insurance

180 Potential of Life insurance industry in surat market

181 PR in LIC

182 Product analysis of HDFC life insurance with its competitors

183 Risk assessment and underwriting of insurance proposal

184 Role of export import in Indian economy

185 Study of product portfolio of HDFC life insurance and awareness in financial


186 American depositary receipts

187 Commodity derivatives

188 Foreign exchange risk management

189 Comparative analysis of the organization offering PMS vis-à-vis Motilal oswal

190 Performance analysis and investor perception towards equity bases Mutual


191 Universal banking

192 effective management of wealth by utilizing existing market opportunities

and multiplying stagnant money

193 ICICI prudential

194 Aviva life insurance in India

195 Behavioural finance in stock markets

196 Studying role of commodity futures in Indian commodity market

197 A report on compliance requirement for stock broker

198 BSE audit system

199 An overview of Canara bank

200 Strategic proposal for commercial vehicle customer

201 Stocks & Bonds- and understanding

202 An overview of Indian stock market

203 Indiabulls securities

204 Banking and insurance – money market

205 Study of market potential for insurance software for info spectrum ltd

206 Karvy stockbroking – SME segment

207 Karvy stock broking – an analysis

208 Project finance – KVK Nilachal, a 2×300 MW proposed coal fires thermal

power plant

209 Mahindra & Mahindra financial services

210 PSU & Private sector banks on cross roads

211 Project financing – MPA financial services

212 Portfolio investment

213 Equity valuation

214 SBI- study of nonfunctioning of products relating to SME

215 Standard chartered – understanding banking practices

216 Standard chartered mutual funds – overview

217 An overview of pension fund management

218 Tata AIG – Market mapping and research for group pension


219 TATA bearing – identify procurement and cost reduction

220 ABCDE of E-banking

221 HSBC banking services

222 Buy back of shares

223 Derivatives – Indian scenario

224 Financial markets

225 Financial services

226 Foreign exchange determination

227 FOREX markets in Indian context

228 Home loans

229 ICICI bank – customer care

230 Indian banking sector reforms

231 Insurer perception towards Indian insurance sector

232 Leasing theory and Indian practice

233 Make your future with options

234 Merger & Acquisition

235 Mutual fund investment – management point of view

236 Plastic money

237 HDFC – plastic money

238 Ratio analysis – cement sector

239 Rural finance in Indian economy

240 Capital market in India

241 Ratio analysis – ultratech cement

242 Working capital management

243 cards – ABN AMRO VS ICICI

244 F & O

245 Merger & amalgamation in insurance sector

246 Risk management in banking sector

247 Development of capital market in India

248 Project feasibility – bandra worli sea link

249 Treasury management in banking operations

250 Unit link

251 Asset allocation

252 Corporate banking

253 E-payment

254 NPA management

255 Real estate Vs mutual fund – a perspective

256 Indian companies access to international market with reference to ADR &


257 Analysis of venture capital

258 Asset and liability management in banks

259 Banking sector – BOM

260 Business valuation – leasing VS buying decision

261 Capital structure – theory and practice

262 Commodity – a fundamental research

263 Commodity derivatives market in India


264 Credit risk management in banks

265 Economic value added – an indepth study

266 Equity valuation and analysis

267 Evolution and implementation of euro currency

268 External commercial borrowing – a new avenue for financing

269 Financial analysis of LUPIN pharma

270 Financial engineering

271 Financing and appraisal of steel projects

272 Firm valuation – techniques and trends

273 Foreign exchange risk management

274 Global steel outlook

275 Hedge funds – an insight

276 Hedge funds – theory and practice

277 Analysis of hedge funds

278 Impact of implementation of Basel II accord on emerging economies

279 Innovation in financial intermediation

280 Interest rate swaps in India

281 Investment in equity and mutual fund

282 Investment in IPO – An analysis

283 Investment valuation

284 IPO – a balanced view

285 Legal aspects of M & A

286 Understanding M & A

287 M & A in banks

288 Overview of insurance sector in India

289 Portfolio management & investment decision

290 Securitization – an Indian perspective

291 An insight into securitization

292 T + 1 rolling settlement: realty or myth?

293 Emerging pension scenario in India



Content Courtesy – Navigator Tutorials 

















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