Project Topics for Marketing and General Management


Marketing & General

Sr. No                                Topic

001 Comprehensive study on social media and its role in marketing

002 Facebook – understanding role in social marketing

005 Comprehensive study to understand marketing of brands

007 Evaluation of marketing strategies adopted by GYMS & CLUBS

008 Analyzing Media buying and selling proportions

012 Understanding basics of live entertainment industry

015 Category evaluation – Chocolate

016 Advertising Maniac

017 Does Advertisement reflect the trend or create it?

018 Advertising evaluation – Airtel VS Vodafone

019 Impossible is nothing – Adidas

020 Advertising after globalization

021 Evaluating advertising effectiveness of Raymond

022 Advertising ethics and viewers perception towards surrogate advertisement

023 Videocon – evaluation of after sales service

024 Agriculture marketing – bringing prosperity through tactics

025 Agriculture scenario in 21st century

026 Express yourself

027 Ambush marketing

028 Evaluation of consumer preference towards wafer chocolates

029 Customer study on Amul milk VS non branded milk in Baroda city

030 Amul – Taste of India

031 Factors affecting males to buy cosmetic and beautification products

033 strategic overview of travel and tourism industry in india

034 Airtel – towards glory

035 2010 CWG and cost to country’s prestige

036 Indepth analysis of consumer perception towards Health food drink

037 Understanding consumer buying behaviour towards ACER computers

038 Telecominism – a study on telecom sector and advances

039 Garment industry – an youthful insight

041 Coffeepreneur

043 Women role in advertising

044 Advertising and women exploration

045 Gauging retail penetration of AMUL beverages

046 Anchor – complete electrical solution

047 Indian animation and gaming industry

050 Benefits of display to retailer – study of super value store

051 Brand analysis – Bisleri vis a vis competitors

052 Brand bachhan

054 Brand perception Raymond – complete man

055 Pepsi and coke -brand positioning strategies

056 Branded furniture market

058 Building a brand from scratch


059 Evaluating business environment in paint sector

060 Its cartoon time – study on cartoon channels

061 Understanding CB at shoppers stop

062 Study of online CB

063 Study of CB towards branded shoes

064 Consumer behaviour – a tool for marketing

065 Consumer buyer behaviour towards television

066 Understanding consumer behaviour

067 Study of shopper buyer behaviour at Reliance fresh

068 Reliance fresh and consumer buying behaviour

069 Hero Honda bike and consumer buyer behaviour

070 Todays Ball pen – consumer buying behaviour analysis

071 CBB- Mobile handsets

072 Cosmetics – How does it sale – a CBB analysis

073 Celebrity endorsement – a prespective

074 Celebrity endorsement in India

075 Cellular marketing

076 Coca cola – evaluation of marketing strategies

077 Coffee-marketing and finance

080 Gamut of Indian airlines industry

081 Traveller perception towards various airlines

082 Comparative analysis of Airtel & Vodafone

083 Comparative analysis of Samsung electronics Vis a Vis competitor

084 Indian telecom sector – focused study on Airtel VS Vodafone

085 Comparative analysis of Bisleri versus competitors

086 Comparative edge of reliance fresh customer loyalty programme

087 Comparative study of Nestle confectionary products Vis a Vis competitors

088 Gauging consumption pattern of juices & soft drinks

089 Market share of HUL vending products vis a vis competitor

090 Comparative study of retail outlets – Croma & Vijay sales

091 Mc Donalds VS Jumbo King

092 Comparative analysis of coke & pepsi

093 Nestle sunrise coffee – competitive analysis

094 Competitive edge to investor by marketing and brand positioning in

entertainment industry

095 Comprehensive study on Reliance fresh

096 CB and perception of women towards Lakme

097 A study on consumer durable industry

098 Consumer perception of Global & local brand in Indian retail industry

099 Food goers perception towards Ruby Tuesday and feedback on loyalty


103 Analysis of consumer preference towards Nestle and Cadbury chocolates

104 Consumer perception towards Frooti

107 Consumer purchase behaviour towards diamond

109 Corporate grooming

111 Buyers perception towards HCL computers


112 Creating a nation without poverty through business

113 Advertising creativity

115 Critical evaluation of online admission system

116 Nokia VS Samsung

117 Customer preference – Asian paints

118 Response towards advertising of Airtel & Vodafone

119 Customer satisfaction at shoppers stop

120 Customer satisfaction of titan watches in Mumbai city

121 Comparative analysis of vijay sales and sony mony

122 Dabbawala employee satisfaction survey

123 Dabur marketing strategy – pleasure and delight

124 RC cola – designing & implementation of plan

125 HUL tea and coffee business – distribution strategy

126 Electronic marketing

127 Analysis consumer buyer behaviour towards Anchor white tooth paste

128 Electronic shopping

129 Ethics in advertising – Dilemma or reality

131 Event planning and management

132 Events and celebrity management

133 Managing event – a perspective

134 Event management

137 Chorus calling

139 Fly high

140 LCC analysis

141 Global footwear industry

142 Franchising

144 Future of luxury brands in India

145 Future of marketing & PR

146 Game Industry

147 Garment industry – scope & trends

148 Godrej – Years of glory

149 Dubai- Gold & jewellery destination

150 Green marketing

151 Healthcare & hospital management

152 Holocaust

154 IATA

155 Identifying factors that favourable purchase decision at Reliance fresh

156 Image profile analysis of leading brands of tooth paste

157 Impact of advertising of consumer goods on customer brand preference

158 Study impact of advertising on brand preference of aerated drinks

159 Impact of celebrity endorsement on overall brand

160 Understanding concept of celebrity endorsement

161 Impact of CWG on urban development of Delhi

162 Impact of TV commercial on consumer behaviour

163 Incredible India – Evaluation study in selected overseas market

164 Health food drinks – still developing or developed


165 Indian aviation sector – analysis and future challenges

166 Indian greeting card industry – Archies

167 Indian Rural consumer – changing 24×7

168 Indian tourism industry

169 Industry analysis – Print media

170 Innovative marketing

172 IPL – Gauging trends

173 IPL- an unscripted soap opera

174 IPL-the birth of cricketainment

175 IT in agriculture

176 Leverage of the brand & brand extensions – Kellogs case analysis

177 LG consumer durables & dealer development

179 Maggi brand extension & repositioning

180 Management in managing brand

182 Managing advertisement and celebrity endorsement – a case of Pepsi

183 Market analysis of everyuth dermacare range

184 Product analysis of pure it

185 Market status of Reliance fresh

186 Marketing mix of Hero & TVS

187 Marketing strategies of 5 star hotels

188 Bisleri-Marketing tactics

189 Marketing of TIGER beer in Mumbai

188 Study of Marketing strategy of Maruti Udyog limited

189 Marketing strategies to sell club membership-acres club

190 Marketing strategies adopted by premium hotels

191 Marketing strategy of Coke & Pepsi

192 KFC marketing strategy

197 Media broadcasting

199 Micro analysis of AMUL and GCMMF

200 Mineral water industry and consumer perception towards Bisleri

201 Multilevel marketing

202 Mumbai as a tourist destination

203 Nestle – Good food, good life

204 Strategic brand management – Nestle Juices

205 Network marketing

207 Niche marketing

208 Nivea-comfortably crème

209 Occasion management & planning

210 Onjus- squeeze to please

211 Onjus – Story of brand failure

212 Online selling trends of branded shoes and apparels in India

213 OOH-catching customer on the move

214 Outdoor advertising – the future media tool

215 Outsourcing industry in india

217 Packaged atta industry – setup of flour mill

218 Packaging as a tool for sales man


219 The Parle G story

220 Performance of Indian Cement Industry- the competitive landscape

221 Political Mania

222 Preference level of consumers towards brand Bisleri

223 Understanding print Media

224 Consumer perception towards spice telecom

225 Promotional aspects of toothpaste and its effects on CBB

226 Pros and cons of celebrity marketing

227 Public utility services – a study of public transport in Mumbai

228 Evaluating – Radio advertising

229 Radio Listeners

230 Radio advertising & listeners perception towards radio

231 Age of Radio – catching travelers on the go!

232 Radio & advertising

233 Real estate – changing scenario

234 Fresh from the farms – reliance fresh

235 Reliance retail store operation at HUBLI

236 Dove – Its your skin

237 Restaurant Industry In India – Trends & opportunities

238 Retail concept

239 Retailer perception & view towards Bisleri

240 Role of advertising

241 Social media – marketing myopia

242 Rural adverting – catching rural consumers

243 Rural marketing – strategy for Indian villages

244 What does Rural say?

245 Sales & distribution effectiveness – Asian paints VS Nerolac paints

246 Sales & distribution network of ultratech cement

247 Sales promotion with respect to television industry

248 Studying cases on sales promotion

249 Scope of tourism in India and its impact on Indian economy

250 Segmenting shoppers behavior

251 Is service sector indias road to economic growth

252 Role of services in economy

253 Shoppers stop – customer delivering values

254 Social marketing activities and generating brand loyalty and brand


256 Social networking sites

257 Sports apparels

258 Sports management – special outlook to football management

259 Sports marketing – IPL

260 Staying ahead in market place – analyzing strategies of P & G

261 Sports retailing in India – constraints, barriers and way forward

264 Concept of strategic management

266 Analysis of Anti pepsi buyer behavior of retail outlets

269 Study of brand preference towards Men’s wear


270 Study of CBB at reliance fresh

271 Study of consumer behavior on sports attire

272 Study of consumer preference towards Nestle & Cadbury chocolates

273 Study of consumer preference towards Frooty

274 Study of consumer preference towards wafer chocolates

275 Study of dealer behavior in marketing paints

276 Study of OEM and Replacement tyre segment for Maruti Swift

277 Study of Rural marketing – HUL ways

279 Study of Indian watch Industry and marketing strategy of Titan watches

280 Success of Walmart and entry in Indian market

281 Surrogate advertisements

283 Tea market – a background study

284 Teen marketing

285 Textile industry – things unknown

286 Titan watches – brand repositioning

287 Effect of various strategies adopted by different companies in implement

green marketing

288 Tourism sector – evaluation

289 Tourism scenario – MP

290 Tourism scenario – Rajasthan

291 Towards understanding online purchase behavior

292 Traditional techniques of health management through Yoga

293 Travel and tourism – a strategic analysis

296 Ultratech cement

297 The structure of brand

298 Understanding consumers online shopping and purchase behaviours

299 Influence of brand name on consumer decision – Brand Honda

300 Use of technology as a new medium for marketing

301 Understanding CB for Brand development

302 Videocon television – a brand analysis

305 Water and waste water management system

306 Consumer electronics market

308 Building construction and its management

311 Management TIPS from epic Mahabharata

312 Mahabharata – Indian management way

313 Evaluation of Mumbai-Pune expressway corridor

314 Vijay Mallya – A Bon Vivant

315 Analyzing consumer preference towards coffee

316 Apple- an overview

317 Brand apple – its different

318 Brand audit of Kingfisher beer

319 Analyzing brand awareness of Airtel

320 Building brands

321 Brand building through celebrity endorsement

322 Brand equity

323 Brand extension


325 Brand rejuvenation

327 Branding strategy of HUL

328 Effectiveness of brand strategy of Britannia biscuits

329 Evolution of apple inc

330 Fashion stanza – from fashion to brands

331 Overview of fashion industry

332 Strategic brand management

333 Toon branding

334 Customer satisfaction towards TITAN watches in Bilaspur city

335 Disaster management and its effects on services

336 Eco friendly life style

337 Eco-friendly nature

338 Eco conservation

339 Natural calamities affecting services – Disaster management

340 A study on Vedic approach to management

341 A study on tourism in UP

342 An interpretation and correlation of Mahabharata in todays management

343 Analysis of power sector (electricity)

344 Bandra-worli Sea link

345 Branding countries

346 Carbon credit – in response to climate change

347 Child labour – food for thought

348 After sales service – Maruti Indus motors Calicut

349 An overview of TATA motors

350 Consumer perception towards auto brands

351 Analysis of two wheeler industry

352 Auto fuel

353 Auto industry – compact car segment

354 Auto industry and customer satisfaction survey of maruti

355 Determination of automobile industry

356 A look into after sales service provided by auto sector

357 Brand loyalty towards maruti

358 Business report on Rajpath Hyundai

359 Consumer behaviour of airtel

360 Cement industry analysis with respect to ultratech cement Ltd

361 City gas distribution in Mumbai – an analysis

362 A perspective towards coal mining

363 Comparative study of Hero motors with bajaj automobiles

364 CBB and brand loyalty in consumer durable products

365 Analysis of consumer perception towards automobiles

366 Consumer satisfaction survey towards TVS apache

367 Corporate communication – a view

368 Customer relationship advancement in banking sector

369 CRM in banking sector

370 CSS of maruti motors

371 CSS Hyundai motors – lakshmi Hyundai


372 Dabbawala

373 Diamond industry – sectoral outlook

374 Digital distribution of films in India

375 Disaster management

376 Eco-friendly construction

377 Eco-friendly hotels

378 Effect of crude oil on developing nation

379 Effect of reforms in development of India

380 Effect of consumer behaviour towards purchase of refrigerators

381 Fiat-glory of 50 years

382 Measurement of Hyundai motors after sales service

383 Customer satisfaction towards Hyundai motors vis-à-vis competition

384 Fisheries sector

385 Green marketing – how to cash in with ecological niche marketing

386 Healthcare and hospital management

387 Hindu yogi – science of breath

388 History of Ayurveda

389 A view at Hyundai motors VS maruti

390 impact of recession on exports of textile industry

391 impact of travel and tourism sector on indian economy

392 Incredible India

393 India as a HUB for auto component industry

394 India travel & tourism sector

395 Indian airlines

396 Indian automobile industry

397 Indian call center

398 Indian industrial policy and global competition

399 Indian liquor policy

400 Indian luggage industry: VIP & Samsonite

401 Indian oil sector

402 Indian two wheeler industry

403 Integration of green marketing in automotive industry

404 Analysis of key buying factors affecting purchase of two wheelers

405 Knowledge management – an insight

406 Knowledge process outsourcing

407 Logistic and supply chain industry in India – current status

408 Marketing strategy of two wheeler dealers

409 Maruti Udyog limited

410 Medical tourism in India

411 Merger of Jet airways & Air Sahara

412 Meru – rely on us

413 A study on MSEDCL

414 MIS

415 Mumbai – metro – moving the masses

416 Mumbai water supply system

417 Outsourcing industry in India


418 Ownership – difference between entrepreneur and 9-5 employees

419 Phillip Morris

420 Potential of CNG as fuel for vehicles

421 Public transport system in Mumbai

422 Ratan Tata – an undisputable entrepreneur

423 Real estate – rise & fall

424 Understanding real estate business

425 Supply chain management

426 Scope of luxury cars in India

427 SEZ

428 Slum rehabilitation authority

429 Social security and labour welfare in india

430 Sources available for exports

431 Customer satisfaction at MGF Hyundai motors

432 Marketing overview at Hyundai motors

433 Time management – developing a time investment strategy

434 Trade union

435 Brand management – two wheeler industry

436 Waste management

437 Wind energy – unbeatable source of energy

438 Working of logistics company

439 Yoga- a perfect balance

440 Export potential of spices from India to UK

441 India’s top brand in cigarettes – gold flake

442 Comparative study of airtel post paid plan vis-à-vis competitor

443 Comparative study of mobile services provided by Vodafone and other

telecom services

444 A study on ERP in production

445 A study on Indian information sector

446 A study of retail in India

447 A study on consumer preference towards branded jewellery

448 Airtel at brief

449 Analysis and consumer perception towards new generation retail outlets

450 Analysis of current market scenario with respect to Nokia & Samsung

451 Analysis of Indian telecom sector – focus study on airtel & Vodafone

452 Building construction and its management

453 Overall view of cargo operation of Indian airlines

454 CB towards internet data card of vodafone

455 CBB towards purchase of internet data card and reliance infocomm

456 Changing scenario in real estate sector

457 Comparative marketing strategies of Vodafone and airtel

458 Construction management

459 CBB towards branded shoes

460 Consumer perception towards global and local brands in Indian retail


461 Consumer perception on mobile postpaid connection of airtel


462 DHL logistics

463 E-buisness

464 Environmental scan RIM

465 Future prospects of polyester yarn

466 Internet marketing as a tool

467 Internet marketing – an overview

468 Mall retailing – a perspective

469 Marketing strategies of airtel and reliance infocomm

470 Price volatility in cotton yarn industry: Lessons from India

472 Real estate in India

473 Retail or hyper market

474 Retail store formats and layout

475 Retail – a study

477 Strategic analysis of ICD & CFS

479 CBB towards different mobile brand handset

480 Study of consumer sales promotion on apparel retail store

481 Supply chain management

483 Vodafone customer satisfaction survey

484 Manufacturing of yarn & its uses

485 SCM and challenges in sourcing from international scenario

486 Economic growth of Mumbai metropolitian region

487 Economic instruments for sustainable road development

488 Changing consumer trends

489 The Story of walmart

490 Advertising – its way

491 Herbal shampoos- understanding Ayur shampoo

492 A study on dabur lemoneez

493 Frequent flyer programme

494 Marketing of tobacco to women – global perspective

495 Understanding business environment

496 Business process outsourcing

497 Television broadcasting industry

498 Car market and buying behaviour – a study of consumer perception

499 Evaluating cigarette industry – and smoker perception

500 Overview of Vietnam domestic market for airline industry

501 Business research on health food drinks

502 A study on operations management

503 Consumer perception towards toothpaste

504 Benchmarking 3M against competitors

505 Feasibility Study of 3M Products in Value Added Services in Cars and Bikes

506 Study of brand awareness towards ACER computers

507 KPO & empower research

508 Handicrafts and handloom corporation of India – Export perspective

509 Hindustan coca cola Ltd-a perspective

510 IOC- study the XTRAPOWER Fleet Card Program

511 Working of an advertisement company and advertisement recall


512 Gauging sales potential of diesel engine sales in Rajasthan – Eicher motors

513 Ice cream industry – Dinshaw icecream

514 Marketing strategies of colgate Palmolive LTD

515 Ethical marketing in consumer oriented world-challenges

516 ITC way

517 A study about organization – Reliance communication

518 Study supply chain strategy of reliance polymer and reliance fresh

519 Benchmarking 3M services vis-à-vis competitor

520 Exploring opportunities for travel guru

521 Exploring 26 July 2005 and approach in disaster management

522 AD Mania

523 Advertising in financial institution

524 After sales service

525 Ambush marketing – an evolution

526 AMUL – taste of India

527 AMUL ice creams – real milk real ice cream

528 Building brand through events

529 Brand rejuvenation

530 Brand story of surf excel – daag ache hai

531 Building brand online (digital brands)

532 Cadbury – the real taste of life

533 Cadbury marketing strategy

535 A study on CEAT tyres

536 Market analysis of price trends in cement industry

537 Marketing report on Hindustan Coca-cola Ltd

538 Colgate VS Pepsodent

539 Consultancy marketing

540 Consumer durable in India – An analysis

541 Do controversies build brand image

542 Cooperatives – a ban or boon?

543 Customer relationship management

544 Building customer loyalty

545 Dabur Chawanprash

546 Monitoring diamond market in India

547 Diversification

548 Embroidery – a thoughtful insight

549 Ethics in advertising

550 Event management

551 Game industry

552 Game theory

553 Rural telecom – gyan ganga project

554 Parallel economy – Hawala system

555 Integrated marketing communication

556 India China economy

557 India vision 2020

558 Indian hotel industry


559 Restaurant marketing – strategy for establishing restaurant

560 I-marketing

561 Creativity based design

562 Knowledge management – an insight

563 Lifestyle & luxury retailing

564 Logistics in warfare and military operation

565 Mc Donalds – a paradigm

566 Growth of telecom services in India

567 Marketing mix of domestic airlines

568 Marketing of IT enables services

569 Branding – a perspective

570 Medical tourism

571 Wireless world of commerce – M commerce

572 MTNL marketing strategy

573 Mumbai infrastructure – perspective

574 PR in LIC

575 Product patening – pharmaceutical industry

576 Product identity and feasibility

577 Publicity stunts

578 Reliance infocomm – a new way of life

579 Reputation management

580 Sales promotion

581 Sampark – mitaye dilon ki duniya

582 Siemens – an overview

583 Source pierrer – you drink therefore you are

584 Tata indicom – marketing strategy

585 TOI marketing strategy – print media

586 Trade blocks

587 Transforming Mumbai into world class city

588 Service section management – travel & tourism

589 Waste management

590 Analysis of wine industry

591 Effectiveness of lifestyle and luxury retailing

592 Russia – a country overview

593 Competitive analysis – gamut of Indian airlines industry

594 Competitive analysis – domestic airlines industry

595 Its ambush strategy

596 Celebrity branding

597 Child abuse – a perspective

598 Marketing strategy of Samsung

599 CRM – an insight

600 Customer satisfaction – comparative analysis between vijay sales & sony


601 Dabawala – precision to the most

602 Marketing strategy of travel & tourism

603 Disaster management


604 Radio move

605 Supply chain management

606 Special economic zone

607 Compact car segment

608 SRA

609 Domestic tourism

610 Logistic in Indian railway

611 Logistics of Mc Donalds

612 Mineral water

614 Relationship marketing

615 Retailing – a study

617 Services in hotel industry

618 Maha Mumbai – special economic zone

619 Small car segment

620 Competitive analysis – domestic airlines

621 Application of Indian ethos in Management

622 Bandra worli sealink – a perspective

623 Customer loyalty

624 Floriculture sector in India

625 Hotel marketing mix – Leela

626 Advertising of Cadbury Dairy milk

627 Reinventing Indian postal services

628 Industrial psychology

629 Insurance advertising

630 DLF IPO success – pre and post evaluation

631 Liberalization policy 1991

632 Mall retailing – identifying right mix

633 Money laundering – aspect to illegal money transaction

634 Multilevel marketing

635 Power crisis in Maharashtra

636 Organized retailing

637 SCM – a case analysis

638 economic development in India – role of small enterprise

639 the rising elephant – benefits of modern trade to indian economy

640 Sugar sector

641 Adonis – business plan for beauty salon

642 BEST – Service sector management

643 Blue Dart Logistics – a perspective

644 Brand extension – an insight

645 Vishal retail business strategy

646 BPO – the competitive advantage

647 Celebrity advertising – Mine field or gold mine

648 Celebrity endorsement in India

649 Cement sector overview – focus and ACC valuation

650 Competitive analysis of companies in real estate sector

651 Digital distribution of films in India


652 Health information technology

653 Indian calling – contact center industry

654 IETS -BPO industry in India

655 A study on Levis

657 A report on garment industry – Madura garments

658 Market prospect for salt Industry

659 Monopoly – Indian railways

660 Restructuring of Indian railways

Content Courtesy : Navigator Tutorials

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