Project Topics in Human Resource Management


Human Resources


Sr. No                                                                        Topic

001 Analysis of HR and labour practices in international hotel chains

002 Assessment centers

003 Building CSR and HR perspective

004 Careers in advertising & film industry

005 Management of change

006 Development time management strategy

007 Emotional intelligence

008 Emotional intelligence – key to excellence

009 An insight into employee engagement and satisfaction

010 Employee mobility – a workforce on move

011 Employment agency

012 Exit interviews

013 Recruitment and selection in educational sector

014 Recruitment of financial consultant in HDFC life insurance

015 HR outsourcing – a view

016 Hr practices and performance appraisal – Grasim industries

017 HR practices in hotel industry

018 HRD and challenges in 21st century

019 Human resource development

020 Human issues in BPO and call center

021 Human issues in BPO and call center

022 Job satisfaction in IT industry – a strategic overview

023 Kaleidoscope in HR

024 Leadership – current theories and future trends

025 Managing stress by music therapy

026 Organizational communication

027 Overview of HR process and Attrition analysis

028 Performance appraisal

029 Performance management system

030 Performance management

031 Performance management system of HDFC life insurance

032 Recruitment and selection in BPO sector

033 Recruitment and selection in IT industry

034 Recruitment and selection of MPSC

035 Understanding concept of Recruitment and selection

036 Retension – to avoid tension

037 Significance of EI and its impact on job satisfaction

038 Step by step VS culture – a change management strategy

039 Stress management – destress

040 Stress management in call center

041 Stress management in IT sector

042 Teachers strategy in dealing with disruptive student behaviour

043 Training and development – module

044 Training & development – Sahara

045 Understanding training & development perspective

046 Overview of training & development

047 Training and development – manufacturing scenario

048 Training – a perspective

049 Learning HR concept of T & D

050 Employee training & development at TATA power

051 HRM-attrition

052 State of art – talent management

053 impact of cost, quality and support services on students perception in self-

financed higher education institutes

054 Ma foi management consultants

055 Benchmarking

056 Performance appraisal & motivation

057 Performance appraisal

058 Quality work life

059 Recruitment, selection, orientation and placement

060 Retension

061 Stress management – from celebrity perspective

062 Recruitment & selection

063 Changing labour welfare measures in Indian scenario

064 Training and development – an assessment

065 Assessment centers

066 Management of a change

067 HR audit in BPO sector

068 HRM application in IT sector

069 An evaluation of HR policy manual – essar group

070 EQ VS IQ – a study

071 Exit interviews

072 Night shift for women – growth & opportunities

073 Organizational study – American express bank

074 Recruitment & selection procedure in PSU


Content Courtesy – Navigator Tutorials

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