Parent’s god’s gift to all children. Children imitate parents. They see and learn from their parents. Parents are their first teachers even before school they learn what they see at home. They mentalities and mind set are developed as per what their parents do act and think. There are some things that are hereditary and so the same thing is seen among children. We see our parents behave in a certain manner. Certainly we know we too might do the same when we grow up we imitate them.
There are those of us who are blessed with parents who love each other while there are those who have divorced parents. Its so sad to see parents being separate. Such children crave for the love of both the parents. They go throught such bad pain at a younge age. They love both mother and father but there is a certain kind of sadness that we see on the face and in their hearts. No child likes to see their mom and dad fighting and certainly if they do it creates a bad image about marriage in their minds. They fear falling in love they fear marriage.
There are so many parents who have separated because of extra maritial affairs and due to physical abuse. There are cases where a parent is cheating and the child knows it while the other parent loves another and has so much trust in their spouse. When a child sees this they feel hurt, it is a feeling of vetrayal and the child has it in his mind that marriage isn’t a commitment it is all bogus and its about making one another a fool. When the father of the house cheats and leaves the mother and leaves the children. The children always miss the father.
Father is the most important family member. Father gives the children his name and they are born because of him. When the same father cheats his wife he not only cheats her but cheats the children, how embarrassing it is to see your father with another woman and into another womans arms. If you are a girl and you see such things in your own father you will hate men and develop hatred towards marriage and love. You will always believe that men only know to cheat and hurt women. You will be afraid of even trusting any guy friend because you will feel even he will hurt you.
If you get into a relationship and you see your boyfriend looking at another girl you will feel insecure and you may wonder if my own father could do this to my mother after having 3 children then even my boyfriend would leave me. It may so happen that he just casually is looking at another woman but you will never be able to bear it because you are born with that insecurity of seeing your own family in such a manner. It’s not your fault but it is the situation that is to be blamed and it is the because of the cheating fathers act that has made a mind-set that men only cheat.
While there are so many loving men who have such beautiful girlfriends and they stay loyal only to them. All men are not the same. They do make mistakes and we all make mistakes be it a man or woman. While there are some men who have seeing even mothers seeing and would feel that women to cheat even if you make her your wife she isn’t someone who will stick to you through thick and thin. A mother and father while cheating can sometimes cause embarrassment and problems too. It happens when you want to start of a family people might try to spoil your name saying her father or mother is like that she or he too might be the same.
Usually this is what happens it is a sad part about these children. Even though they want to believe in love people just ruin it all up and society starts judging you because of your parents acts and deeds. You are your parents reflection but what happens when reflection stares back at you. Sometimes it backfires on you and impacts your whole life. There are times when you realise your mother has left you all alone and you have to handle the whole house and handle the broken pieces of your dad’s heart. You suddenly become the responsible one. You become someone who is mature. You cannot act your age rather you become the woman of the house and handle your younger siblings. You try your best you do it all but you cannot always do it. There are times when you fall weak and you need a shoulder to cry on. You may even wonder if you could ever be a good mother. Would your marriage be a disaster like the one that your parents have been through? Or would it just be the perfect one you always wanted.
This time you have nothing to learn from your mother as she has done the mistake of her life. She broke the marriage vows and violated the rules of marriage. You got to be strong and set new rules. Whatever you are going through you wouldn’t want your children to go through the same. Would you do it to your kids as well and make them suffer? Ask yourself a question would you do the same to your children or you want to set a good example and want your children to be positive.
We should understand that psychologically it makes the children feel very disturbed and may spoil their youth years. It isn’t as easy to handle matters of the heart as well for these children. There is always a negativity that may stay about marriage and love in their minds and hearts as they have seen physical abuse, cheating, unfaithfulness, lack of loyalty and so much loneliness in the lives of their parents and themselves.
Carren bryne.