Public vs Critics, Who Gets It Right?



The essence and importance of movies and cinemas are on a high graph and the best medium of entertainment. It’s an alluring experience to favor so great actors and actresses on screens. Beautiful nostalgic songs and the soulful music, great punch dialogues and over rating action. Bollywood is cutting deep places in people’s heart and it’s one of the proud thing our India has. Entertainment has a new name Bollywood. People are not only interested in movies but also behind the scenes sequences and the making, promotions, post promotions- connect and track everything about a movie of their favorite stars. Social media is giving the platform and not only that – but T.V and real life too. Stars today promote their movies on television and daily soaps, reality shows…make appearances in malls and colleges, radio stations, do various interviews for separate newspapers and news channels. The promotion and PR are just very huge now. The marketing lays the important role and when the movie hits the theatre there’s a two vision feedback that arrives. The two sides of a sword… The critics and the public.

The critics are the ones who know the best about what they are judging. The cinema maker, someone who understands the art of a film, the technicalities of a film, the dos and don’ts of each scene and shot, the acting work of an actor, the importance of a director’s view. They RATE the movies in 5 stars which is followed worldwide for people to help in deciding whether to invest money for a film or not, whether to experience a pleasure or a head ache. But often many times the only thing at last that matters – is the Public’s views. People really don’t bother about the stars. All have different views and many decide the fate of a movie on their own. What the critics want is impossible we think. The critics never ever gives complete stars to anyone. And they are so damn strict in their work. And at this British rule when a movie gains nearly 4 stars the picture is sure shot to be a blockbuster. But when a movie like Haider and the above 2 over rated movie comes – and the critics express – we come to know what the critics look for. The small things I said above – about the technicalities to the finest acting and screenplay.

The perfectionism of cinema is very keen and it’s a beautiful thing – the theatre cinema. While many movies manage to get 4 to 4 ½ stars…they are something which again the public goes to watch. But there are some movies with less rating – but it’s a Hrithik Roshan or Salman Khan starrer …and the public has immense trust on their stars. They chuck the critics and know that it would be a paisa vasool film. Even though we find some lags in the movie and feel a small headache or were waiting for the movie to end …the movie crosses the 100 crore bar and make hits everywhere. I think this is something on which a research has to be conducted.

The public knows the words and etiquettes of entertainment and they drink this lavishly in forms of comedy, romance, crime, suspense, fantasies and horrors. The public knows the best because it’s the public who throws the dice of hardworking actors and producers luck – by declaring it a hit or flop. Today promotions too play a good part in throwing the dice. So if the critics declare a movie a low rated one with thousands of flaws and unmatched stuffs… As if why the hell this movie was made …and on the other side the public loves it. This 2 way scenarios waves many times in this market. You will find some of your friend loving it while some who automatically infers their thoughts due to the judgments received. People are different and so do their thoughts. I imagine how difficult it would be for Actors to choose a script – would they think according to the critics and the constitution Book of Classy Cinema, or something their fans would embrace, maybe a classy or a masala entertainer…or something that they prefer and believe and would love doing it.


The strides are different and so is their choices. Well the cinema here is growing day by day and the directors and people are open to great ideas, taking risks and experimenting, giving space to cinema in a own way which is applauding. We have so many non-Indians magneting towards Indian cinema and making a career here. Indians love everyone. Even if they can’t speak perfect English their movies are declared a hit. The market here is huge and so are the bucks.

The critic’s rages award shows too. Well the culture behind award shows are revealed before some days without any evidence …so it is unconfirmed but many fake awards are handed to people merely present in the event, while some are bought. The things which are joked normally might be having some points of truth to eat. I am of course not talking about our great Indian awards marking years and years of presence, churning the mark of film fraternity, like the film fare and IIFAs…but the here and there small thousand award shows on T.V. We have critics to pick up the best one while some are public choice awards. There is a jury of critics who select the best. Now here the critics’ choice matters since one is being judged by the seniors and great artists while public showers their love to the ones they love and also some to the deserving one according to them.

But there will be over and under rated movies and there will be public choice hit entertainers and the 100 Crores money making race …but The critics v/s the public Gamble will play on…





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