Pull off a Tanned Look



How we adore the tanned look.If you are gaga over it here are tips for you on how to get a sexy tan.So, if you want to look like a bronze goddess (without wrinkles, brown spots or carcinogens) here are your options:

1) Professional Spray Tans

 prof spray tan

Pros: For the most even tan, with no blotches, streaks or funky colors, a pro, or custom, tan is the best way to go. Two of the benefits of a professional spray tan is that it can correct tan lines and add body contouring (i.e. enhance the appearance of muscles and abs).  You can get a professional spray tan (a.k.a. airbrush tan) at many spas and salons.

Cons: It costs much and does not last longer than the average week-long at-home treatment.

2) Booth Spray Tans

 booth spary tan

Pros: These are a cheaper, and more private, alternative than a professional treatment.

3) Self-Tanners

 self tanners

Pros: Cheapest route and usually easy to use in the privacy of your own house. It’s best to exfoliate first for a smooth, streak-free tan, and to experiment with shades. Test a small discreet part of your body to see which tone works best with your skin color.

4) Makeup/Bronzers


Pros: Bobbi Brown says using makeup to give your skin that sun-kissed look is like “instant gratification.” Her advice for applying it is to “use a short, fluffy brush to apply bronzer where the sun naturally hits your face – your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin – and dust your neck and chest if you’re wearing a bare top.” She also recommends gels or cream for a “dewy look.”

Cons: Bronzers are really only good for your face and chest.  Not so much for your body.

And although tanning beds used to be a popular way to fake a tan and they’ve been shown to cause cancer so we’ll just skip them as an option.


To make your sunless tan last longer follow these steps:-

1) Wait at least four to six hours before showering or swimming

2) Use moisturizer daily

3) Avoiding exfoliation until your next session.


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Riya Lokhande


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