Quality Matters ! !


Quality Matters

Always when you compare quality and quantity, the quality always wins the race.

Let me give you an example for the same.

In a so very well-known epic storyline, there use to live a pottery mentor, what he did is, he divided his learners into a group of two. The task assigned to group A to give the QUALITY output as that would define there rank, calibre, status and grade and the B group was assigned to make the QUANTITY of products, they were measured in terms of the number of pieces, the more the number of pieces the higher the rank.

In the end ironically, the outcome was that the B group was able to produce more QUALITY pieces than group A.
All this because the more you make, the more you learn.

The correlation of quality and quantity is you get the mastery when you go on manufacturing more and more. Learning allows you to move from one level of understanding and competence to a higher level. Usually there are mistakes to make. Usually the more the learning, the more mistakes, and the more quality.

Quantity does not always leads to quality production, there must a learning element, a learning dimension in between to get the quality oriented product.

One thing that the pottery students had was enough of a vision of each piece so that they could establish structural tension. They had their target. The current reality was under their fingers and in their awareness. This was true for both the quality and quantity group. So we can conclude that structural tension is simply a prerequisite. Without it, it would be hard to throw a pot. But if the vision were to produce the highest quality imaginable, the final result would miss the mark. Higher levels of quality come from adequate experience over time.

There is a long-term view of the creative process, which includes experience over expanded periods of time and learning. And there is the short-term view, which tries to rely on inspiration, impulse, and improvisation. And while there is a place for short-term impulsive moments, you can’t build and sustain real mastery from that alone.

Mastery will come automatically with the time if the creative process of yours has got the learning dimension in it.

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Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist