

Well this article is meant to focus on the functioning of the pantry car of the Indian Railways:

Trains are generally associated with the freshness of travelling and nothing better than the tea for the company. However, being an avid tea-lover, I have come across this problem of Quantity of the tea. Well, you may argue that our nation has other issues to focus on, then why such an irrelevant issue on getting a minute amount of tea lesser in every cup which others actually ignore.
Whenever, I asked the pantry boy he always had an answer, that he is forced by the manager to serve less volumes of the beverage. On further inquiry, the pantry car manager shrugged the blame to the pantry contractor.
And I believe the quotation which the contractor gives to the government includes the billing for the indegrients of 200ml of tea. I argued this fact with the manager and he said ‘Take one cup free but don’t bother me.’
The question was not of one cup. It was of lakhs of cups served everyday. So, i counter questioned him this time ‘ If you can give me one cup free, without me actually paying and you not accounting for it. Why can’t you in the similar way, honestly check if the glasses are filled up to the prescribed quantity?’
He didn’t reply but I had got my answer.
After all, its the right quantity of honesty required on the individual level not the quantity of blame-game, to serve the perfect quanti- tea!

P.N.: I’m not sure what effect this caused on the pantry car manager. Yet, I believe if we all begin and start asking the right questions to the ‘wrong people’ some quantity of pause for a cause can be nurtured

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