Approximate Weight-age of Theory & Practicals
Theory -45 Marks & Practicals – 30 Marks
Unit one ( Entire unit is based on Theory)
- What is Investment? Discuss in detail Investment Process.
- State the factor influencing / affecting selection of invest avenues / alternatives.
- What are the different investment avenues available for the constitution of portfolio?
- What are the advantages of depository settlement?
- Explain the concept of online share trading along with its advantages.
Unit two (Unit is based on Theory & Numerical. Weight-age of Numerical is more from this unit)
- What is risk? What are the different types of risk?
- Numerical – calculations of i) Standard Deviations, Ii) Variances & iii) Beta.
Unit three (Unit is based on Theory & Numerical.)
- What is portfolio management? Discuss in detail process of portfolio management.
- What are the objectives and basic principles of wealth management?
- Write a Short note on fundamental analysis.
- Numerical– Calculate EPS, P/E ratio, Dividend Payout Ratio, Dividend Yield Ratio, ROI, ROCE, Interest Coverage Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Gross Profit Ratio, Debt Equity Ratio, Book Value
- What is technical analysis? What are different charting techniques & chart pattern?
Unit four (Unit is based on Theory & Numerical. Weight age of Numerical is more from this unit)
- Explain in detail – Dow Jones Theory, Elloit Wave Theory & Efficient Market Theory.
- Numerical – calculations of Expected Return and Beta using CAPM model.
- Numerical – evaluate the performance of portfolio using (Sharpe’s , Jensen’s & Treynor’s measure).