Question Papers will be delivered by DEPD



University of Mumbai


Secretariat of Controller of


M.J. PhuleBhavan,

Kalina, Santacruz (East),

Mumbai­400 098


No. Exam./COE/531 / 2013




All Principals/ Directors/ HOD’s of affiliated colleges/ Institute/ Departments are hereby informed that the University of Mumbai is planning to deliverthe Question papers by DEPD (Digital Exam Paper Delivery) forthe examinations commencing from Tuesday, the 1st October, 2013.


The meeting of Principals and a teaching staff member, who is conversant with I.T. operation is convened to brief about the DPED and to take stock of the preparedness of the colleges as regard to DEPD as on the date and time given below at Phirozshah Mehta Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz(East), Mumbai -98.


Sr. Examinations Date Time  
1 B.Com. / M.Com. 21/09/2013 at 11:30 a.m.  
  B.A. / M.A. / B.Sc. / M.Sc./ B.Sc.( Hospitality Studies)/      
2 B.M.M. / M.M.S. / M.M.M. / M.F.M. / M.I.M. / 21/09/2013 at 2:30 p.m.  
  M.F.S.M. / M.H.R.D.M.      



As the Chief Conductor of the Examination, it is compulsoryfor the principal to attend this meeting.


The college should be prepared with the following requirements:


I                     Requirements for accessing the Question throughPaper e-delivery system:


  • One PC / Laptop with higher configuration.


  • UPS with at least 30 minutes of back up.


  • Broadband Internet Connection.


  • One data card with 3G Internet connection (MTNL, Idea, Reliance, Tata Photon, etc.) (whichever works better) for back up.


  • Two registered mobile numbers(one of the Principal and another of responsible person from the College) preferably of different service provider, Fax number and
  • email ID for receiving the password. These numbers and e mail address submitted to the University should be in working condition. Any change shall be communicated to the University immediately, well in advance. The College shall be held responsible if any of these modes of communication are inaccessible or not in working condition.
  • High Intensity Printer (attached to the computer (PC/Laptop) which will be used for accessing the web link).


  • Two extra cartridge for emergency.


  • Photocopier (30-40 PPM).


  • Licensed copy of antivirus installed on the computer and regularly updated through internet.


  • MS-Office 2003 and above.


  • Secured environment for paper printing.


  • CCTV camera with back up of one month.


  • Appointment of a teaching staff member, who is conversant with I.T. operation as I.T. coordinator for the T.Y.B.Com. Examination


II                  For downloading the Question Paper, following procedure should be followed scrupulously by the colleges:


1 The college shall receive, SMS on the mobile number registered with the University, the first set of Login and Password, an hour before the commencement of examination on the first day. This password shall be applicable throughout the duration of the Examination. It is the responsibility of the college to keep this password secure and confidential only with the responsible person.


2 On the day of every examination, the college shall receive, the second password, 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination. It is the responsibility of the college to keep this password secure and confidential.


3  The question paper shall be uploaded by the University on the Web site.


To be an hour before the commencement of the examination on the day of every examination.


4  Following is the process of downloading the question paper from the web site:


  1. Exam Centre shall visit the web link internet
  2. The first page of the web link will look like as under:


 Please confirm your participation with




Dr. Padma Deshmukh(C.O.E.) 9223833001


Mrs. Vidya Shinde, P.A. to C.O.E. 9223833003/022-26526285


ShriSamadhan Shelke, Manuscripts Unit 9223833010


Read the full circular at




(Dr. Padma Deshmukh)


Place : Mumbai                                                           Controller of Examinations

Date :16thSeptember, 2013





All Principals/Directors/HOD’sof affiliated colleges/Institute/Departments


NOTE : Please note that the University has given the as per the circular No. Exam/COE/1220/2013 dated 20/07/2013 to fill up the Data Verification and Check List Form. You are once again requested to fill the form on or before 19/09/2013.




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