Question Yourself: Are You A Player In The Blame Game?



We have all heard of the blame game. We  have all played it. And we have all a part of it. But what we don’t understand is how strong ans fatal the repercussions of this can be. Blaming others is a domino effect. It keeps going around in circles. It’s a convenient method, a short cut to take to get out of a problem.

 But who said short cuts always lead to the right path They can derail us or even lead us to a dead end! What do we do then? That’s what the blame game does to us. It’s a bluff which blurs our vision and diverts and allures us to not take responsibility of the situation, hence making us vulnerable to give in to do the same. Having a strong mind is what will help us to come out of it.

Blaming someone may not tell us anything about whom we are accusing; but it may tell us a lot about what kind of a person the blamer is. People who fear responsibility, do not take  charge  of their life and keep on loading things on others are the types who are the master players in this game. Such people may be the really good at this and it might make their life much more easy and stress free; but the impression that they portray is extremely bad and non reliable due to which they face lots of problems in the long run.

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Your individuality is what defines yourself, it is what gives you strength to defend yourself and call yourself different from the rest of the world. An independent thinking is very necessary for a confident mindset. And that would be achieved only when you identifying yourself and working oin your flaws instead of avoiding them.

No one appreciates a person who is so coward to face his/her flaws. We are not brilliant, we strive to make ourselves that. If we stop striving, then what’s the use of living? Always remember; once a blamer, always a blamer. You can’t depend upon people and expect to hide in their shadows always. Everyone has to face their share of problems. We are not playing passing the parcel here.


We are dealing with issues that concern us and are crucial to us. Such things cannot be taken lightly. You and only you are responsible for your deeds. When you start living with that principle; you earn your respect. You don’t feel burdened; you feel lighter. This feeling is much better than any shortcut.

– Anwesha Rath

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Poonam Gandhi