Question Yourself:  Craved Pampering Or Pampered Much?



“MOMM!! Get me my towel”

“DADD!! I need 500 bucks!”

Yup, fortunate are those who actually get to say these sentences in a regular household. Oh wait; we even have some pretty, not-so-fancy name for them. Pampered kids, spoilt brats, rich lads. Get the idea? In today’s write up, I don’t actually make any specific point or take any sides because honestly, one doesn’t get to choose in what kind of a household he/she is born into. So, if there is something called fate or destiny, then that system is what gets the ball rolling.

One thing though, which is worth mentioning is that people always crave what they do not have. Human nature! You could act as if you’ve never heard of that before just to make this write up look extraordinary. But on a serious note, I haven’t written anything unusual. Those people who have struggled would obviously crave pampering. Who wouldn’t want someone to fetch their towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, cook for them, feed them, call them up to ask them if they are doing fine, give them money for whatever they want to buy.



It’s like wonderland. Right? Wrong. It’s just a perspective. One side of a coin, in this case; the shinier side of it. There isn’t anything that is an absolute perfect. Everything has some flaws, kinks along with all its goodness. Just like some people crave and miss being pampered, some are fed up from the constant nagging and desire  the independence, freedom, joy of self-discovery and pride in earning a living.

But when has human wants ever had any limits? They are asymptotic and sometimes our expectations go beyond our imagination. Sounds creepy, but it’s true. Yes, everyone needs some support but always let that support be your strength and not weakness. Make sure that your helping rod supports you to go ahead in life and you don’t end up leaning on it.



So to the pampered ones, I would say that the world follows a strategy of taking away your supports without any disclaimers and warnings and you should always be prepared for that and to the ones who crave pampering, I would say that it isn’t as fancy a life as it looks like and be content with what you have. The fight here isn’t about being materialistic or morally correct; it’s just about how you cope with what you have been allotted in life.

– Anwesha Rath

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Poonam Gandhi


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