Question Yourself: Do Criminals Deserve Second Chances Because They Are Juvenile?


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We live in such a country where crime has become second nature in the society. A quick look at a daily newspaper would give us a minimum of five crimes in the locality, police files have more criminal cases than the shelves to keep those papers and there might come a time where the criminals actually outnumber the general population. Crime these days has become a competition where criminals come up with more brutal ways to spread evil in the surroundings so much that they have even put an end to the cliche of the phrase “there is a certain age for everything”

Juvenile criminals are beginning to emerge very rapidly now and figuring out the reason isn’t rocket science. Shakespeare has once said “Youth sighs like the fire”. The adolescent population is known for their impulsiveness and hot blooded nature. They are ruled by their hormones, confused about right or wrong and easily influenced, therefore becoming a soft target. Brainwashing a young mind is cake walk for any adult and their minds also work in a direction where they are extremely vulnerable to exposure. All these traits are exactly what results into them being “victimized” as being the criminals.


The reason why I refer to them as victims and not criminals even if they have committed crimes is because, it isn’t their intention. It’s their influence of an outside force; like possession. Of course, we can’t completely become liberal on such crucial issues and let them free. But we can’t punish them for their entire lives even before they started a life on their own. Forgiveness is one thing which can rectify a person’s soul from within.

Locking up young minds in prison and punishing them for life would never let them out of this trap, it would complicate them further to such an extent where the evil in them spreads like poison. The idea is to always uproot negativity. Changing their environment, figuring out their situation, what makes them vulnerable, what provides them strength. Getting them proper counselling is what would help them survive and lead a better life. Saving a soul is always better than taking a life.


It’s not about changing their deeds or actions; it’s about changing their mindsets. I strongly feel we should take the chance of giving these young criminals a second chance.

– Anwesha Rath

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