Question Yourself:  Is Procrastination A Foe In A Friend’s Disguise?



They say that life is all about giving us second chances. But has it ever been mentioned anywhere that it’s mandatory for life to give us chance after chance and we exploit those chances like renewable resources? We would shake our heads and negate to this now but when it comes to execution and implementation, we are always trapped in the loophole of what called Procrastination.

If I had to make a list of the top most inauspicious words in the English dictionary, I am sure this word would top the list. Not to be orthodox or anything, but procrastination, I believe, has that power to destroy lives and career. Words are easy to say, statements are easy to give but work and actions aren’t so easy. People, just take that for granted and make their lives like a pile of domino’s, one falls and the rest follow. Once delayed, always delayed. Procrastination is like a drug. We get addicted to it once we start doing it. Sounds dangerous, doesn’t it? Then why does almost everyone procrastinate at some point of their lives or the other?


The factors can be many. Some are genuine and some are bogus. Some are lazy and some are overloaded with work. But regardless of anything, why is procrastination considered such an evil? For a person who has procrastinated his/her work; it tells a lot about his/her attributes. It shows the level of dedication, the skill for time management, professional attitude and the honor of commitment that one has to keep in order to earn a successful living.

And just one deed is enough to shatter that entire image of a person. Do we even need to guess what that is? So don’t let procrastination be your cloak of invisibility because you might escape a few tasks, but you will fail in your life standing. Life isn’t Hogwarts, people. It rules on hard work, not magic.

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Procrastinating things might be a very minor and easy thing for us to do. People, especially the young generation might do it to look cool and take credit of finishing things last moment or people might do it out of a habit. To all of them there is only one thing to say; you are the one responsible for making or breaking your life.

If you don’t start acting mature and deal with situations properly, then nothing will happen to the world, but a lot would happen to you.   And who wants to tarnish their career just because of something which they can easily control? Do you? Again, the choice is yours. It has always been and will always be.

– Anwesha Rath

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