Question Yourself: Is Taking Up Science Your ONLY Pathway To Success?


concentrate on the solution!

Indian Education, no matter what, is a very stable and reputed system which prepares the youth for all future endeavors. True to its words, Indians are being highly educated but what happens aftermath? Even after getting good degrees from popular colleges and universities, the problem of unemployment still persists. this automatically gives rise to segregating of education fields into the ones which “Guarantee” a future and those which don’t. In the past few years, this situation has become wide spread and hence, the course in demand has been Science.

Students, after their 10th grade exams are expected to take up science without even thinking twice about it. Call them stereotypes or call them deep rooted mindsets, this is the current conventional system. Well, people may have various opinions about his. However, we can’t just take sides and judge whether this is right or wrong.


There has to be a very strong reason for why science is considered so important. Our parents and well wishers don’t force us to take up science because they want to see us in the pain of slogging through hard theorems and equations. It’s just in those rebellious premature minds of the youth who consider their well wishers as their enemies.

True, no one but yourself has the key to your self discovery and to find out what your true potential is. But we also can’t ignore the fact that out Indian system is basically a one-directional system where students are spoon fed everything from primary school.

Hence, when they are suddenly asked to take a decision in such a vulnerable and influential stage of their life; the thought itself sounds scary to them as well as their parents and guardians.  We can’t become super heroes or change the entire system or the mindsets of people in a fraction of seconds.

But what we can do, is probably guide them in a proper way and make them aware in an early stage that they would have to take some decisions in their life which affects their future life so that they are not overwhelmed at the time of decision.

Students are usually confused while deciding about their career, reason being they had never before given it much thought. According to me, Science is one course, that can truly keep you in a safe zone and open your gate to explore further.


Reason being very simple that science usually provides a lot of flexibility to shift to other courses in the future even if you feel that a certain field is not suiting you. No other course, would give you that liberty and freedom in India. Hence, science has its demands for many reasons; but that does not deteriorate the fact of how you want your life to turn out to be.

Don’t live in the shadows of science thinking that you would regret leaving it in the future. But again, if you are sure of your goals, then taking up that stream isn’t such a bad idea. Because to being completely realistic, what i feel is that being conventional is much better than being confused.

– Anwesha Rath

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