Quick Facts About Manohar Gopalkrishna Prabhu Parrikar



Quick Facts:

  1. Manohar Gopalkrishna Prabhu Parrikar is BJP member and Defence Minister of India.
  2. He was Chief Minister of Goa from 2000 to 2005 and from 2012 to 2014. He was Goa’s First BJP Chief Minister.
  3. He graduated from IIT Bombay and was first IIT graduate to become a Chief Minister of any Indian state.
  4. He received Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2001.
  5. After the recent attack where we lost 11 security personnel Manohar says that the attack was no doubt made by Pakistan. He also says that India will “strong response” to check such “blatant attempts”.
  6. He says “I feel that there has to be some strong response which will once and for all or at least reduce this blatant attempts.”imagesCA5AMKO1 imagesCA9FOSHW imagesCA9UXQPD imagesCA13SPUM imagesCA71QPH5 imagesCA82O6BB imagesCAARRL73 imagesCAG5OX4K imagesCAG7UTFC imagesCAGTVZ9W imagesCAJ5WBH5 imagesCAJ0945Q imagesCALVRBNU imagesCALW4KS7 imagesCAR9974J imagesCARA7X4M imagesCAT54VOA imagesCAUHDXNR imagesCAYY6Z04 untitled

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