QUIZ UP – Challenge Accepted!!


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This is a society where were we come across a situation when we come to know about each other knowledge or ideas over a certain topic. QUIZUP this fun playable app does that to you, DO u love quizzes and quizzes over a topic you can only think of and even to play it with strangers or your friends, that’s what QUIZUP does. You install this free app and play quiz and earn points and build your rank. Play it with strangers by just making a free ID or if you get bored a facebook login can make you go competing with friends over great topics in which your interest is.

Play quiz challenge on your favourite movie series HARRY POTTER, HUNGER GAMES, STAR WARS. Do you want a quiz on animals, literature, logos, brands and various others categories are there to quiz on?

INVITE friends and challenge them compete to be on highest rank. Increase your level and test your knowledge with friends or people. No coins to collect no premium upgrade to do just FUN.

A must have app for all Trivia lovers and a must click app. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!


BY Harshvardhan Singh


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