QuizUp App Review



Quizapp is a very popular trivia game in the countries like US, Canada and India. It was introduced in IOS last year November 2013 and in Android early 2014. The developer of QuizUp is Plain Vanilla Games, an Iceland based company.

In QuizUp, Players can choose from almost 500 topics Music and Movies to Sports and Books. Players can then compete with each other for a same topic which has 7 questions. The questions are multiple choice questions in which one has to choose the right answer. QuizUp app also includes chats, message boards, leaderboards.

This app is perfect for people who like general knowledge and know-it-alls. It is good game for passing the time and also increasing knowledge. Its popularity is increasing, with more trivia added and running it on both popular IOS and Android platform it will surely improve in the future.

So download it, compete with your friends and show them your capability.


–         Jainam Jhaveri

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Personality quiz
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Trivia quiz
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The Classic Internet Listicles
The Classic Internet Countdowns
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