Race Stunt Fighter 3: Adrenaline Pumping Paradise



What’s stupider and more dangerous than racing through active traffic at 130 miles per hour while straddling nothing more than two wheels, a few pounds of steel, and three gallons of gasoline? How about doing it all on one wheel then literally flipping off the cops? This high-octane racer uses the SSX combination of colorful characters and “stunts = boosts” mechanics. If that’s not EXTREME enough for you, you can go after your fellow racers with a bat or chainsaw when pure speed isn’t enough. Multiplayer and in-app purchases are both inside.

The third installment of the best selling RSF motorcycle game. Stunning graphics and a barrage of weapons and motorcycles to choose from make this the best one yet. Race through cities, mountains and tunnels as you stunt your wary to the finish line. Compete in multiplayer mode and stunt against friends as you fight off the enemies to get the most points. Add a weapon like a chainsaw, flame thrower or mini gun to unleash on the other bikers and help you get the most points.

Copyright: Adrenaline Crew

Ratings: 3/5

Available on: Play Store

Free: Android

– Navmeen Khot


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