Rains In My City <3 <3 Mumbai City Finally Blessed By The God Of Rain's!



Mumbaikar’s finally heaved a sigh of relief, as the God of Rain showered his love on us after a spell of extended sweltering summer. Yep, we Mumbaikars love the rains even though we are the citizens of a city who have been cursed with long hours of travel and roads made inside potholes.

We know each year certain parts of the city are going to be flooded, we know that puddles of water and/or mud are going to greet us wherever we go and we know that no umbrella is ever going to be able to match up to the strength of those windy outbursts of huge droplets firing themselves on us like mini bombs on a war front, still we love the rains.

The season brings with it; lots and lots of greenery, freshness of the land and of our summer struck perspectives. The smell of hot bhajiyas and warm coffee at every corner and those long, long drives in the rain is such an amazing thought.

To us, unless we get drenched a couple of times in the commute and break a few umbrella’s the monsoon isn’t soaked in completely. Unless those wet seats in the BEST or local trains are fought over and a maniacal car driver sploshes you with water, ensuring the choicest of swear words from your side, we dont feel the onset of the season.

The monsoon winds have a magical property of ensuring that Mumbaikar’s go crazy. Either we fall in love, literally in huge numbers; or go mad trying to pick which hot savory should accompany the kutting chai.

Those outdoorsy people stuck inside classrooms and office building can’t wait to go out and get wet, and those fond of the indoors still love sitting on the window sill, with a good book or a pair of headphones and an amazing playlist to enjoy this season.

You cant be a Mumbaikar and ignore the rains, there is this magical connect that we have with the season which truly makes us smile every time we see those dark rainy afternoon’s and the wet evenings. You can’t hate the rains and call yourself one of us can you? after all Zara Hatke Hai, Zara Bachke Rehna Because Ye Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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