Rakhi SMS Messages Status Tweets Pictures Raksha Bandhan 2014

Raksha Bandhan 9
Brothers are like streetlights along the road,
they don’t make distance any shorter,
but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile.
Raksha Bandhan 15
A Brother Is God’s Gift
To Every Sister To Make Her Feel Loved,
Happy And Protected.
I Am Lucky I Have You In My Life.
Happy Raksha Bandhan 2014.
Raksha Bandhan 3
As we grow up, we act like we don’t care,
But it is just an act,
For I know you will always be there,
Love you, brother/sister dear.
Raksha Bandhan 6
We fight for the smallest of reasons. We laugh on the silliest of jokes,
We love stepping on each other’s toes. We watch the same Sunday shows,
This list for me is never-ending. My darling brother, you are my favourite blessing.
Raksha Bandhan 12
You are there for me during happiness and joy
You are there for me in every walk of life
You are there for me in the toughest times
To hold my hand during the darkest days
To share my smiles and tears
Happy Raksha Bandhan, brother dear!
Raksha Bandhan 8
My brother is Miles away,
Where I cannot see his smile,
Where I cannot laugh with him,
Where I cannot hold him in my arms,
Yet he is ever in my thoughts and smiles
Happy Rakhi, my dearest brother!


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