Raksha Bandhan / Rakhi 2014 SMS | Hindi | English | Marathi | 140 characters


rakhi 3

Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look down upon your brothers and sisters, and which they see as they look up to them, though they are ever so far away from us, and each other. Happy Raksha bandhan


God could not take care for the whole worldso he has given mothers to each family. In the same way mother could not take care for the whole part of our life, so she had given brothers. Thanks for being my brother. Happy Raksha Bandhan 2014 SMS …!!!!


You are there for me during happiness and joy You are there for me in every walk of life You are there for me in the toughest times To hold my hand during the darkest days To share my smiles and tears Happy Raksha Bandhan, dear brother!


• Bachpan ki yaado ka chitrahaar hai rakhi
Har ghar me khushiyo ka uphaar hai rakhi
Rishto ke meethepan ka ehsaas hai rakhi
Bhai behan ka paraspar vishwas hai rakhi
Dil ka sukun or meetha sa jazbaat hai rakhi
Shabdo ki nahi pavitra dilo ki baat hai rakhi

• Rishta hum bhai behen ka,
Kabhi mitha kabhi khatta,
Kabhi ruthna kabhi manana
Kabhi dosti kabhi jhgda
Kabhi rona aur kabhi hasna
Yeh rishta hai pyaar ka
Sabse alag sabse anokha.
Wish You Very Happy Rakhi

• Kaamyabi tumhare kadam chume,
Khushiyan tumhare charo aur ho, 
Par bhagwan se itni prarthana karne ke liye,
tum mujhe kuch to commission do!
To my extremely lovable (but kanjoos) brother…
Just kidding as always.
“Happy Raksha Bandhan.”


काही नाती खूप अनमोल असतात,
हातातील राखी मला याची कायम आठवण करून देत राहील….
तुझ्यावर कोणतेही संकट येऊ नये,
आणि आलच तर त्याला आधी मला सामोरे जावे लागेल….

रक्षाबंधनच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा 


राखी एक प्रेमाचं प्रतीक आहे 
राखी एक विश्वास आहे 
तुझ्या रक्षणार्थ मी सदैव सज्ज असेन

हाच विश्वास रक्षाबंधनाच्या या पवित्र दिनी मी तुला देऊ इच्छितो 

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