Ramoji Film City – Why Are You So Beautiful And Popular?


Ramoji Film City

 What is that one thing which you look for into movies except for your favorite stars, story, chemistry, etc? The beautiful locations at which the movie is shot at. Many a times we don’t pay attention to where exactly the movie was shot but we have often heard people saying what a beautiful place or what an awesome beach or what a fantastic spot. These comments come by the audience when they get to see beautiful places which they would like to visit if given a chance!

A lot of research work is done and then it is decided considering the budget of the film as to where it should be shot. Many a times the films budget is small but the script demands that perfect location for the scene so that it brings life to it. Now if the budget is small that means it is impossible to go to the exact location and shoot the scene that’s when film cities come into picture. Film city is a film studio which has recording rooms, gardens, lakes, and spots which are useful for shooting movies.

One of the most beautiful and popular film cities of India is RAMOJI FILM CITY.

It is located in Hyderabad. It covers 1666 acres of land. It is the largest film city of the world. It is also a famous tourist spot. Recently one scene of the famous OOH LALA song from DIRTY PICTURE was shot in one of the gardens of the film city in the year 2012! Isn’t that amazing!

Amazing facts about the film city!!!

  • Sahas- the adventure land:-

The meaning of the word Sahas is “courage”. It is a Hindi word. In the film city you get to explore your adventurous side and experience a wide range of sports which you once wished for!


  • Studio tour

The tourist guide gives you complete information while you are on the studio tour so that you get complete information and do not miss out on anything!


  • Wedding destinations

If at all you dream a destination wedding there are different themes available such as Maharaja Maharani Theme, the Mughal theme, Bollywood theme, etc. And this way they can make your special day even more special!

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Afifa Qureshi


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