Ramzan SMS ( Eid Mubarak SMS ) 2014


Alwida To The Month Of Mercy,
Alwida To The Month Of Forgiveness,
Alwida To The Month Of Protection Against Fire.
Alwida To The Month Of Generosity,
Alwida To The Month Of Kindness,
Alwida To The Month Of Patience.
Alwida To The Most Blessed Month Of The Year,
Alwida Ramadan!

Ramzan Mubarak 2

May on this EID the Plate of your life is filled 
with juicy Kababs and Tikkas topped with Chatni of

Happiness and covered with Salad of Love.


Aisi na shab-e-baraat na baqra eid ki Khushi
jaisy har aik dil mein ha is eid ki Khushi


Nikla halal-e-eid to dakha tara jamal,
wo asmaan ka chand hai tu zameen ka chand…


May the nearness of God bring you peace
His fellowship fills you with joy,

His love import to you newness of life
May you enjoy to fullest this Eid day and
Each coming day of the year.


The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua’s is all i request
And just wanted to wish you all the BEST.
“Eid Mubarak”


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