Rape and the suffering Indian Woman



Every 22 minutes a woman is raped in our country. Oh sorry, not only women, it could be a baby or a girl. The Indian men have just lost everything they ever had seems. The Delhi rape case which shocked the entire country and forced the constitution to change their laws . This disgusting crime showed us that the demons still exist and they are only responsible for their own downfall. I am suppose to write about social cause but I just don’t feel to write anything about it because every day I just see ,read and hear about everything bad in our society.

As a woman, I don’t feel safe in my country anymore. There is no feeling of being secured on my own homeland. I am sure you also must be one of them who feel the same. What can we as a youth can do for this?

Apart from the candle light rallies, slogans, banners and protesting  after the incident has occurred which makes no sense for those demons because the rape rate still remains the same or even increase because this devils know that we are going to shout protest for few days or months but after that everything is going to be same again. This is a bitter truth of our society.

I feel porn is one of the reasons why rape rate is so high in our country. No doubt, alcohol and drugs are also one of them. It could be any reason but rape is not acceptable in any form.

Enough is enough. Get up and take your stand. Be a real man. I so badly wished that I could have being at that position where I would have introduced a law to chop off their raping tool and then give them the death sentence. 

 – Freny Sachde.

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namrata desai


  1. porn shld be stopped as this influences boys or u can say this motivates them to do this sin. They dnt knw how a girl suffers after she has been raped, the girl has to face societies torcher nd as well as in their own home.

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