Rape have we heard it???Nah, we all while reading the daily dose of newspaper, surfing e-newspaper have and are reading news of Rape, physical and mental assault, trafficking and many more condemning incidents on women. But we cannot categorize Rape as to women only but also to men. RAPE or an assault isn’t a new word or bad practice or action to us, because we don’t have mom, sister, or friend. We all have had a lot on rape and assault on women and small girls who are brutally raped and considered as an animal to satisfy a man’s sexual desires.
But has anybody did anything to help out the victims of rape. We all have watched Satyamev Jayathe every Sunday’s on our TV sets, but have we took any step to stop the activity. We all have shared the black squaric symbol for supporting ‘Nirbhaya’ on social platform but have we felt guilty on not being able to save an innocent life.
The answers would be, ‘NO’, we all are socially responsible citizens, we VOTE, we PAY TAXES, we OBEY TRAFFIC RULES but are we all socially responsible human beings, out of 10% households in India almost 9% of women are assaulted, brutally tortured, and many unimaginable crimes. Have we all raised our voice against our neighbor who would be abusing his wife, have we slapped our friend who has abused a girl, have we stopped anyone of them “NO”; but still we considered ourselves as responsible men/women/citizen.
We all have our own excuses for not helping a person. We, all have the Guts to stand for wrong, we all have GANDHI AND NIRBHAYA in us, it’s only we all have to stand together and stop blaming a victim for a RAPE rather help them recover and fight the Rapist.
RAPE, just shouldn’t have place in headlines.