Re-structuring the Corporation


Re-structuring the Corporation: Re-structuring involves strategies for reducing the scope of the firm by exiting from unprofitable business. Restructuring is a popular strategy during post liberalization era where diversified organizations divested to concentrate on core business. Re-structuring strategies:

  • Retrenchment: Retrenchment strategies are adopted when the firm‟s performance is poor and its competitive position is weak.
  • Divestment Strategy: Divestment strategy requires dropping of some of the businesses or part of the business of the firm, which arises from conscious corporate judgement in order to reverse a negative trend.
  • Spin-off: Selling of a business unit to independent investors is known as spin-off. It is the best way to recover the initial investment as much as possible. The highest bidder gets the divested unit.
  • Management-buyout: selling off the divested unit to its management is known as management buyout.
  • Harvest strategy: A harvest strategy involves halting investment in a unit in order to maximize short- to- medium term cash flow from that unit before liquidating it. Liquidation: Liquidation is considered to be an unattractive strategy because the industry is unattractive and the firm is in a weak competitive position. It is pursued as a last step because the employees lose jobs and it is considered to be a sign of failure of the top management.

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